
Chapter FIVE is out! Go read and do comment your views of the chapter. This is where the main plot starts from, so if you have missed the past few chapters, no worries<3 
          	VOTE AND COMMENT<3


Hello @Reisab, I hope you are doing well. I have noticed that your story is no longer available. Are you currently updating it or is there a different reason for its absence? Regardless, I wish you all the best with your book in the future.


@yusraot Hello! Am doing fine, thanks for asking<3 Hope you're doing well with your work and life. Yes I've unpublished my book as of right now, I was trying to maintain it with my busy schedule but it has only been getting more work loaded and although i do have many ideas planned for my book, just this moment doesn't seem to fit in at all keeping in mind my busy schedule. The book needs equal attention with properly planned strategy and I believe the time will come in near future. I will republish it when the time seems right. And i honestly cant stop blabbering about how impeccably you're keeping up with your book. All the very best<3