
Hey  Rendergender I really love your work and have been reading this for a while and I even wrote my own story on hoyolab. I'm really happy that I was able to find a fellow Freminet x gaming shipper that's committed to their story and I plan to make my own story on this platform after Christmas (I can’t write a story on mobile). I just wanted to tell you that you actually helped me become a bit more confident in my writing and I want to follow you until this story is done and really want to see you take up other works after the gaming x Freminet story is finished anyway sorry for dragging on and take care of your self


Ohhh thank you! Keep me updated I want to read yours when you decide to post!
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Hey, i really like your Freming/Gaminet fanfic, im a big fan :3


Ohh thank you! Im a fan of the ship myself and couldnt find anything on it so I decided to do it myself (thank my friend for pushing me to do it)
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