
HI, ALL! I'm still very much alive. Life is bustling in New York City. Planning a wedding and working full time, so unfortunately, writing is hard to make time for the time being. Just know that my next project, Triste, is as dark and dramatic as you would expect from me.
          	As always,
          	Keep on writing!
          	-Reth aka Brian


Cool!  Keep us posted. 


HI, ALL! I'm still very much alive. Life is bustling in New York City. Planning a wedding and working full time, so unfortunately, writing is hard to make time for the time being. Just know that my next project, Triste, is as dark and dramatic as you would expect from me.
          As always,
          Keep on writing!
          -Reth aka Brian


Cool!  Keep us posted. 


Thank you to all those who read the short-but-sweet preview of my next project. The reviews were overwhelming!!! 


@Rethelias Was it taken down?


Not sure how but I missed this. Any chance you will be putting it back up?


Hi, everyone!
          I have been on hiatus from Wattpad to work on a project...
          I have posted the first chapter for one weeks time as a preview! If you're up for it, take a look!
          It's just as dark as my previous work, My Name Was Once Ithyll (Which has since been taken down).
          Comment and let me know what you think... consider yourself my beta reader!
          Brian C.


Hi, guys!
          Just a quick heads-up: I will be posting a teaser for my next upcoming Horror Fantasy novel that I'm working on.
          If you haven't already, follow me on my Facebook page
          for more updates on Ithyll and my latest projects including short stories, my latest novel project, and spoken and written poetry.


@Rethelias Good to see you back on, Brian!


Very exciting times for you! I’ll gladly tag along on following your Facebook page as you journey closer to becoming a professional author. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you and wish you the very best! 


Hi, everyone!
          In case you missed it, I'm now on Facebook!

          More info and access to posts on there. Give it a like and follow me on my author journey!
          I'm also on Patreon-
          Check it out, and consider donating even $1 for content that you will have exclusive access to as one of my Patrons.
          Much love, guys!
          -Brian C.


Hey, all!
          So, I've been totally eluding to what I've been doing lately, but I haven't exactly been specific. With that being said, I'd like to fill you in...
          My Patreon will be launching sometime this week. I'm still waiting for approval, as you know that can take a few days. For those of you who are unfamiliar, Patreon is a sort of crowd-funding platform for artists and creators. To summarize, this is my official beginning to becoming a professional author.
          As soon as this is finalized, I'll be providing a link. I have a newly created official author page on Facebook, which I would encourage anyone who wants more frequent updates to follow-
          Special thanks to everyone who has supported me thus far, and continue to give me the motivation I need to make steps like this.


Hey there, folks! Wonderful and exciting announcements happening TOMORROW about my next big writing project *Chapter teasers to follow* as well as a new platform I will be using for updates and other content. I'm so very excited to share my next fantasy novel..... !!! It's an adventure you're not going to want to miss