
Hi everyone! I posted a new cover for my story "Back From the Dead" courtesy to @Mochibts_1 so go check it out!


Looks great! 


Hi, sorry for my bad english, it's not my first language, I was wondering if you will update "back from death" If you can't update that's fine, I know you have a life and probably a lot to do.


Hi! I understand you perfectly fine, you don’t have to apologize! I will absolutely be updating “back from the dead” I don’t plan on ditching it anytime soon  Although, it may be a while because I’m in the middle of my Master’s program. Thank you for asking! 


Okey I would have talked about the beta thing some time ago bit I got my phone taken, story of my life, bit since it's the weekend and I have no social life, I'll be on wattpad for the majority of my existence, hence I will be available at all times and we can discuss it at your own time, you can dm whenever time suites you best.
          Did you like my big ppl words? 


@Thatgayswitchlol No problem! I'll definitely message you when I able to wrote a chapter. Things are very busy for me at school because It's my last semester and I'm studying for an entrance exam, but I'll let you know when I can send you a chapter
            BTW Yes your big people words are very impressive = )


Hey quick question, do you plan on updating Just A Riddle anytime soon?
          If not that's fine, I know you have a life outside of herebut I just want to know if you'll have a specific date in mind. That k you and have a good rest if the week! 


@Thatgayswitchlol Hey! Yes I do! I'm working on a chapter right now! I don't really have a set schedule of when I update, but I try to write each of my stories as often as I can! Hopefully the new chapter will be up this weekend


Writing Contest! 
          You need 3 or more chapters!
          Category 1: Romance
          Category 2: Mystery/Thriller
          Category 3: Fanfiction
          Category 4: Short Story
          Category 5: Vampire/Werewolf
          Category 6: General Fiction
          Category 7: Poetry
          Just Opened. Join Now!