
i've gotten my mom to make blue pancakes, because my brother loves my recipe XD I feel honored


How come there's a bunch of paintings of Artemis naked, when men weren't allowed to look at her body? Isn't it disrespecting the goddess by painting her naked? I only realized this, as I am making a painting of Artemis.


@PiggieQuackQuack Yeah. I just don't really get it, because in the myths, when a man saw Artemis naked, he'd be turned into an animal or something or would be turned blind. But then they choose to paint her naked. I don't really get what the difference is, because it's still her naked... Even if the men are appreciating her beauty, it's still the same.


@Riordan_leogreyson well if its an old painting from ancient Greece, my mom always says(ive gone to so many art museums cus of her) that they were apreciating the beauty of the body. Im pretty sure that the guys just wanted a reason to stare at naked woman 


You put an offer in your story "Inhuman". I was wondering if the offer was still up.


I haven't received your friend request thou


I've send you a friend request


I've put, Now a Legend and Echoes of the Outcast on hold, as I don't have time and energy to write on the stories right now. I don't know when I'll go back to writing, but I'm only saying this, so you won't be waiting for a chapter that'll never come.
          Enjoy your day.


The Underworld Saga is out! It's literally as amazing as all the other sagas!!


@Riordan_leogreyson All I can think of is this. 
            I am the monster rawr rawr rawr-


Hi! I'm Wiixy1, and I just finished reading one of your amazing stories!!
          I think you are a pretty awesome author, with the great description of the characters and, the OC you created in The Bartender, *chefs kiss*, he is so dam cool!! ( I have not yet read your other books yet but I will!!!) (( I also have read The Bartender twice and the ending always makes me cry!!))
          My Regards, 
          Wiix ;}


You are welcome! ( Btw nice username!!)


@Wiixy1 Thank you:) It means a lot!


This might not be relevant, but I really want to paint with acryllics, but I don't know what to paint. I can almost paint everything.
          So what should I paint? I want to paint something related to greek mythology, I've already drawn Hermes with charcoal (finished it yesterday).
          Please reply to this if you have any idea of who from greek mythology I should paint, it can be one of the Gods (or more than one) or even a mortal, like Herakles, Achilles etc.


@Riordan_leogreyson I mean maybe Apollo surrounded by like orange sun like idk-


@Riordan_leogreyson Personally I think it would be really cool to paint Artemis because the image of shades of silver and pale white contrasting with the forest green that my mind produced is really stunning. I hope you can share the painting for us to enjoy if you're satisfied with it no matter what you decide to paint!