
Popping on to say THANK YOU for all the love you're giving BBF. It's wild to think that at Christmas it was only at 10k reads and now it's closing in on 50K reads a month later. Forever grateful to all of you!!! ❤️


So amazing!! ❤️


I’m soo sad!! I want MORE!  I NEED stories for each brother and I need Rosie and Cole’s story! I’m not sure if this was your intention or not but you have many of us yearning for more! It’s a MUST   I’m impatiently waiting patiently  


@MadisonNicolee17 ahhh I'm so glad you enjoyed BBF! I hope to come back to this world one day to write the other brother's stories. Right now I'm working on a different series that I'm self publishing. Feel free to follow me on Instagram if you want to see more do that ❤️


Hi, I loved billionaire best friend and I was wondering if there'll be stories about Sutton's brothers. Wish you the very best tho


@Luv_u_panda hi! I would love to write Sutton's brother's stories! And it is in the plan. I'm just not sure when it'll happen as I'm focused on a different series currently. ❤️


Where’s the book “I choose you” and “I still love you”? Please wanna read it I just finished reading The Billionaire’s Best Friend and I loved it   


@Blackkk_Panda hi! So glad you loved Billionaire Best Friend! I Choose You and I Still Love You can be read through Kindle Unlimited or paperback via Amazon!


Hey there!  I hope you're doing well. I wanted to reach out and introduce myself – I'm a newbie writer on Wattpad, and I just posted my first book! ✨ It's been an exciting journey so far, and I'd love it if you could check it out and be a part of my writing adventure. 
          It would mean a lot to me if you could explore my work and maybe even share your thoughts. Looking forward to connecting with fellow writers and readers!  #NewWriter #WattpadJourney


Popping on to say THANK YOU for all the love you're giving BBF. It's wild to think that at Christmas it was only at 10k reads and now it's closing in on 50K reads a month later. Forever grateful to all of you!!! ❤️


So amazing!! ❤️


Soooo appreciative of all the love BBF is getting! Ranked #4 out of 2.39 MILLION stories and being added to reading lists left and rigt. I am AMAZED and so freaking grateful! Thank you for giving Gracie and Sutton your love ❤️❤️❤️


@unique_gee hi! I do have ideas for the other Sutton brothers but not sure when I'll get time to work on them right now. I'm working on a series that will release into Kindle Unlimited right now. Feel free to follow my IG because I put all updates for stories (Wattpad and other) there! ❤️ Thank you so much for reading and your support! 


do we get another book soon???? Cause I absolutely loved this❤️❤️❤️❤️ I just feel so sorry that I didn't know about your other works on time, would have loved to read them as well