
Hi everyone! I know it's been a while, but I'm writing a short story for Christmas. If you want to jump back into some of my new adult writing style and have a little Christmas adventure then check it out. 
          	24 Days is available on my profile now.
          	I'll be updating it as frequently as I can. Enjoy!


Cześć! Przepraszam za reklamę, nie zajmie długo:)
          Wzorowa uczennica Melanie Cassidy Kline spełnia swoje marzenie o wyjeździe na wymianę międzynarodową do Stanów Zjednoczonych. Dokładniej do Kalifornii. Jej cały rok w nowej rodzinie będzie dla niej zmianą o sto osiemdziesiąt stopni. Oczekiwania jakie miała uczennica przemieniły się w zdarzenia, o których nawet nie myślała. Czy dziewczyna wyjedzie taka sama jak przyjechała?


Hi everyone! I know it's been a while, but I'm writing a short story for Christmas. If you want to jump back into some of my new adult writing style and have a little Christmas adventure then check it out. 
          24 Days is available on my profile now.
          I'll be updating it as frequently as I can. Enjoy!


Just finished Never Alone and I have to say, it was one of the most profound, honest, and endearing stories I've ever read


Howdy. Was wondering if Light Struck will be updated? I'm fascinated by the story.


I plan on finishing it, but I’m working on other projects at this time. Thanks so much for your interest.


          I’ve reread the Dear Bailey series over and over for the past 9 or so years. It’s my favorite book/ series. Is there a possibility of you publishing it into physical books? 


Hopefully one day. Nothing contracted as of right now. I really appreciate your support and I’m so glad you love them! 


Your an amazing writer I started with the senior trip a few days ago now I'm about to read a 5th story of your in a row! I start them and just can't stop reading.


Thank you!! So glad you are enjoying them. 


I've just read The senior trip as someone who hasn't opened Wattpad in a year and it genuinely made me wonder why I ever stopped. I truly believe that story was one of the best works I've ever read it was so beautiful and I was so engrossed in it that I sat in one stop and just couldn't stop. It was just so magical to me and I'm so glad it was the first thing I read. It was so amazing and words can't describe how much I love it and I'm so sad I can't read it for the first time again. I hope you never stop writing because from just one story I can tell u have a beautiful talent.


Hello! It is Mental Health Awareness Month. I’m working with Wattpad and Maybelline on their #bravetogether mental health initiative. For every comment on this chapter, Maybelline will donate $1 up to $2000 to NAMI. Please help me by commenting on the chapter. Thank you!