
I’m proud & relieved to say that I am finally writing a new story. I should have the first two or three chapters posted in a couple of days. 


Are you okay? You haven't been writing so I am a bit concerned. T^T


Just read this today!! I hope you gather all the energy and health to return back stronger!! ♡♡ Take ur time and rest end eat well! <3<3


Thank you so much! I am okay, I’ve been better but I’m not complaining. I’ve actually been writing but nothing has been sticking with me so unfortunately there’s nothing can post. I have like 50 drafts on my notes app. I kinda like the story I’ve been working on so here’s hoping I can stay with it 


Just finished reading Breaking, I’ve also just finished adding all your stories to my library without even reading the description. I loved breaking so much I can’t even describe how much i loved it.


Thank you so much. Honestly Breaking is my best book but I’m sure you’ll enjoy the others too


200 Planets. I can't explain how grateful I am-for the follow & the love for my stories. 
          I want to apologize because I've been meaning to write, & hopefully have something posted soon, but my cat and I just moved & I'm working my ass off at work. I'll try writing more. I want to write more. 
          I'm always here on this account so please if anything, message me. Be safe Planets, all 200 of you!


I've just finished reading counting paths do any of your other books have main characters deathsthat was so mean to kill her


@lola_chicken2442 Aw. There's nothing wrong with a good cry


@Saturn-Writer-1977 oh thank god i phoned my friend crying and she thought ny dog had died i was crying that much


@lola_chicken2442 Lol hi, uh, no-I mean, for now, no. You're good to read my other books.


Do you mainly write father stories?


@OrdinaryAuthor2 Emotionally draining to WRITE? No. It got frustrating sometimes when I couldn't word a sentence to my liking or when I'm writing and I really got a flow going but I had to be out the door like ten minutes ago. Or asleep ten minutes ago. I can not stress to you how many times I stayed up at night writing my stories. All the late hours writing away while millions of people slept around me. And trust and believe I was tired myself, but I couldn't stop. Writing isn't emotionally draining, it's feeling like you have nothing to write that's draining. Writer's block closes off a part of me that I need. And I'm suffering from it, and I hate it more than anything. But that's just me. I can tell you how much I love to write, J.K. Rowling can tell you how much she loves to write, but it doesn't matter because, at the end of the day, it's what you want to do.


Was it emotionally draining to write? 


@OrdinaryAuthor2 personally Breaking is my favorite. I don’t think I will ever write something like that again