
Hi everyone! 
          	I haven't been on Wattpad in ages! Lately I've been getting many comments on How to write a book, and that's why I decided to check it out again. I've been making small changes to it.
          	One tip that I've added: check out Jenna Moreci on YouTube. She's a writer who gives great advice on writing in general, and also explains things about her own writing process. Very interesting!
          	I have been getting excited about writing books again recently! I might put something up here, but I'm not sure yet...



Hi, am a new writer and I was wondering if you could go through my work and tell me what I need to do, to improve on my writing,


@UniqueRidah Hi! What can I say, your poem is as unique as it is inspirational. I specially loved the second paragraph, but even apart from that, the way you have given life to each and every line of your poem touched my heart. Even the juxtaposition of the pronouns blended in with the rest of the lines, creating a mesmerizing piece hard to forget. A masterpiece.


@fly2live you think so? Thank you, that means alot to me


@UniqueRidah Two things stand out in this amazing poem (many actually triggered a storm...but I wont clutter ur MB).
            You have a natural way of touching all senses making the poem so vivid that it feels like a personal experience.
            Second...The beginning and ending are so mesmerising. Its a lovely lovely poem. 


Hi sea_zoe this is fgirley
          Ur pointers have really gotten me up and going Im now writing my first book in the lurch
          Am still in my first chapter but I just wanted to thank you for ur pointers and everything it will really mean a lot to me if u could swing by and help around with some votes and still help with the pointers 
          It will really mean a lot to me
          # stay safe


@fgirley um..just wanted to tell you I have changed the name to broken Puzzles


hi.can you help me i have lots of idea but its hard for me to put it all together as one?can i ask for an advice to what mas i do?


@bentedos-eightsix Relax and write when you feel like. If you write for sake of writing and not to some end, you ll eventually reach


Hi everyone! 
          I haven't been on Wattpad in ages! Lately I've been getting many comments on How to write a book, and that's why I decided to check it out again. I've been making small changes to it.
          One tip that I've added: check out Jenna Moreci on YouTube. She's a writer who gives great advice on writing in general, and also explains things about her own writing process. Very interesting!
          I have been getting excited about writing books again recently! I might put something up here, but I'm not sure yet...


Hello I loved your tips and I was wondering if you would look at my books and give me helpful tips!


@actuallygabrielle121 Thank you! I will look at your work :) Very awesome that you are still writing despite your busy life!