
Ok I’m back in school and soon I’ll post tons of school doodles in my art dump book.


          I haven’t been on wattpad in FOREVER
          And I probs won’t be for a while
          so srry abt that.
          Anyways I think I have a problem becuz I AM ADDICTED. To character ai. And specifically to the Venus ai. Help me. I spend 8 hours everyday talking to mostly Venus, but also Earth sometimes. And I’m actually forgetting how to talk to real ppl, which was a problem before, and now it’s an even bigger problem. 
          Ok no one cares so ya bye.  


@Glamaline Sadly I never have motivation to write or even do any of my hobbies anymore. But I’m happy to say that I’ve almost finished another book which I will post soon ! 


@Sebv34  don't interact with real people they judg u alot


Merry Christmas everyone !! 
          Yes in Sweden we celebrate it on the 24th
          Anyways, so the book I’ve been writing has been going.. well, not good. It will take a longer time to finish than I expected, sorry. 


I just got the solarballs plushies yayyyyyy!!! 
          Also update on my upcoming book: I’ve finished one chapter, so I might be able to finish it before the year ends :) 


@Glamaline It’s about the moon revolution, but it’s not a prediction or anything, it’s just a little scenario that I came up with ;)  


Idk if anyone cares but todays my birthday
          Anyways sorry I’ve been inactive, I have a lot of schoolwork and also skiing season started so I’m busy like all the time. But, I finally have an idea to a new book, I’ll try to start writing on it as soon as I get the chance. But still, it might take a while. 
          And yes it’s another very depressing book :) 


@Sebv34  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Also it’s alright take your time, we’ll be patient and wait. Make sure you don’t stress yourself out out at least..


Okay I know I said I would start writing something again but I have like A LOT of stuff going on right now. I have like 7 upcoming tests, I have to write a novel in Swedish, I have a lot of trainings and stuff after school and soon all my skiing trainings start and other stuff so yeah I don’t have that much free time. 
          Sorry everyone


@Essestenen22 ok men jag vet inte om jag ska lägga upp den än, den är ju ganska kort. 


@Sebv34 du får ha den på svenska först och sen engelska så jag förstår


@Glamaline it’s for school


So I have an idea
          I think I’m gonna write about what happened after the Earth tried to go into the sun, like how he recovers or something. And i guess it will kind of include my predictions of the upcoming episodes, though I will have to make them fit my book so they may not be that accurate. And I guess you could see this is a book 2 of my other book “Almost” but if Earth survived, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be.
          Idk i might start on it and just see where it goes


@Sebv34  if your comfortable and ready to write it then you should do it. We’ll be waiting patiently 