
Hello everyone!
          	It's been a while since I announced anything here other than the chapter updates! So I'm here with some updates about my books!
          	1) I have started editing ArjunaPriyaa. I had unpublished all the chapters for that purpose and  I'm reposting them after editing them. The first two chapters are republished already. It will be a slow process as there's no fixed schedule. To the readers who were reading the story, I'm very sorry as it was taken down abruptly without prior notice. I hope you'll patiently wait and read the improvised version as I update the book.
          	2) I will try to update Shrutakarma whenever the chapters get written. This is a new topic for me to explore in detail and the first person POV also makes it more challenging. There seems to be a block at present for the story so I'll wait for the writing flow to come back. I don't want to rush and make any mistake in that rush.
          	3) I'm not sure about the update schedule of PaulomiPranaNayaka because I need a different frame of mind in order to write this story and that's happening rarely these days. So I can only say that, whenever the inspiration strikes, I'll write and update the story - slow updates!
          	4) GarudadhvajaSundari - I'll update this book more often. The flow is good and the plot is quite clear in my mind right now. Also there's a surprise coming up in this book in a couple of chapters! If you are a PaulomiPranaNayaka reader, my SachIndra series' reader or someone who likes to read about Indra-Indrani, you should definitely read GarudadhvajaSundari. Yes, the book is about RukminiKrishna, but there's more to this book and the story! ♡
          	(Continued below...)


@BharkaviGovind Thank you for your support and love towards this book from the beginning ❤


@Shakrani Would love to read KV anyday <3 Excited for the other books as well :)


Hello everyone!
          It's been a while since I announced anything here other than the chapter updates! So I'm here with some updates about my books!
          1) I have started editing ArjunaPriyaa. I had unpublished all the chapters for that purpose and  I'm reposting them after editing them. The first two chapters are republished already. It will be a slow process as there's no fixed schedule. To the readers who were reading the story, I'm very sorry as it was taken down abruptly without prior notice. I hope you'll patiently wait and read the improvised version as I update the book.
          2) I will try to update Shrutakarma whenever the chapters get written. This is a new topic for me to explore in detail and the first person POV also makes it more challenging. There seems to be a block at present for the story so I'll wait for the writing flow to come back. I don't want to rush and make any mistake in that rush.
          3) I'm not sure about the update schedule of PaulomiPranaNayaka because I need a different frame of mind in order to write this story and that's happening rarely these days. So I can only say that, whenever the inspiration strikes, I'll write and update the story - slow updates!
          4) GarudadhvajaSundari - I'll update this book more often. The flow is good and the plot is quite clear in my mind right now. Also there's a surprise coming up in this book in a couple of chapters! If you are a PaulomiPranaNayaka reader, my SachIndra series' reader or someone who likes to read about Indra-Indrani, you should definitely read GarudadhvajaSundari. Yes, the book is about RukminiKrishna, but there's more to this book and the story! ♡
          (Continued below...)


@BharkaviGovind Thank you for your support and love towards this book from the beginning ❤


@Shakrani Would love to read KV anyday <3 Excited for the other books as well :)


GarudadhvajaSundari is back! I had already posted the two old chapters and I've updated the third chapter today which is new! Do check it out!


@BharkaviGovind I'm working on the next chapter, will update soon!