
Deathsong got a new cover. I figured it was time for something a little better, and I'm really digging this one!


@bosandaros It's not so much goth as it is just a horror cover XD thanks!


@ShaneBlackheart Wow that's goth af. ahah pretty cool! :)


Deathsong got a new cover. I figured it was time for something a little better, and I'm really digging this one!


@bosandaros It's not so much goth as it is just a horror cover XD thanks!


@ShaneBlackheart Wow that's goth af. ahah pretty cool! :)


OPEN WOUND is now up for pre-orders on Amazon! You can find the link to pre-order on its website, which is here:
          The book will be auto delivered to your Kindle when it's released on October 22, 2023 ♥ (for now it's just eBook, I'm working on figuring out if I can do paperback pre-orders too). So please spread the word, as it helps ensure my book is lifted from the void and has a successful pre-order period ♥
          You can find the first five chapters for free here:


I just submitted It's Only A Little Death to the Wattys! I worked pretty hard on revising this one, and after going through it again, I'm really proud of it. Despite some of the darker themes, it was so fun to write and I loved writing something that's got more of a campy feel, since campy films are some of my favorites.
          The book is here, if you want to take a peek (and you're over 18)!


Sorry if you got spammed with chapter updates T_T I'm revising It's Only A Little Death, which used to be titled That Death Cannot Touch. I felt the new title suited it better (and it wasn't as meh). Some of the scenes are getting heavy rewrites, but that's only to change the POV for some parts. For some reason, my mind must have been on planet X at the time because the POVs were ALL over the place. This is being fixed!
          So far, I've revised eight chapters. It's taking me longer than usual to revise the book because I want it to be the best it can be, so I've taken down everything BUT the chapters that have been revised so far.
          So rest assured, what's up on my profile now is the better version, and the rest will be posted as I polish it within the next day or two. So far, 8/10 chapters are revised, so you might get another day or two of bulk notifs before it's done. But then it will be done!
          Then I'll go back to slow updates on The Soulless Ones because I haven't finished writing it yet, although I have a few more chapters backlogged.
          For now:


*Edit: 8/18 chapters are edited. It was late, in my defense XD


I decided to upload the official new cover for Open Wound here before sharing anywhere else. My cover designer did an amazing job with my idea and totally blew me away! I can't wait to see it in print ♥
          The first five chapters are up for free here on Wattpad, so if you're curious, feel free to check them out. This book comes after Everything Is Wonderful Now, so you may want to read that in its entirety first. (If you're interested in Open Wound but haven't read the first book, feel free to let me know and I'll send you an eBook of the first one ♥)
          I'll announce here again when Open Wound is released officially to the world!


@Shimaira Thanks  Rue Sparks did an amazing job.


@ShaneBlackheart it looks so good ♡♡♡


Just pinging everyone to mention that I'm posting a new book. I'm still writing it, but it's very different from what I've written before, so I hope that'll give a bit of a break from the super dark and dreary stuff.  I'm just having fun with Deathsong and seeing where it goes, and I'm taking a lot of inspiration from B-horror and some Resident Evil stuff (mostly for action scenes and the main monster ideas).
          So far seven chapters are up. I'm further than that in my original document where I'm writing it, so I'll post chapters as I edit them ♥ This one is definitely 18+, but I've listed content warnings in the summary.


I finished the third round of edits and the second rewrite of Open Wound, which I'd had up previously here. I want to see if I can find some beta readers to help me improve it more, but if I can't find anyone who wants to help, I may just post it here for a few months and hope for the best even though it continues the story from Everything Is Wonderful Now, which I've published. If anyone finds it who hasn't read EIWN, there will be spoilers and some stuff that is referenced, but it might be okay on its own.
          I just reallllly need beta readers. Badly.


@poly_philtatos they read the story and give feedback on what they think of it, and if they spotted anything that needs fixed or changed.


I wrote a short story last year about an orc and a trans man, and I'd only meant for it to be a short. It was originally posted here, but after having a dream that related to it and expanded on the universe earlier this year, I decided to figure out how to write a proper fantasy novel based around a world I'm building myself.
          So I only have three chapters figured out so far, but I'd love to get early opinions since this is my first time attempting this. While I've written fanfiction for The Elder Scrolls universe a few times, and I know I can write that kind of fantasy, I had something to work with there. A world already built.
          This original work, Avow, is a whole new venture for me without that pre-built world to work from, so I could really use the feedback on what you think so far.
          It's very erotic, although there is a more important plot surrounding the steamy bits. So as a fair warning, the spice factor is going to be, well, spicy. All tasteful language though.
          Chapter one is up now. The title for it made me laugh, and you'll know why if you read it. I'll post more tomorrow after I get some sleep and have the energy to edit another chapter.


@poly_philtatos ❤❤❤ thanks. Just beware this one is erotica, so it is very explicit 


I'm announcing it early, but my book, Everything Is Wonderful Now, is published! The Kindle version is up on the Amazon store right now, but the paperback is taking a little longer to be listed. If you prefer paperback, check back tomorrow! I'll give another update if it's still hung up.
          You can find out more here:


Both versions of the book are up! You can now grab a paperback copy too ♥