
Congratulations to everyone who participated in our event!
          	Though the event has ended , this doesn't mean that prayer ends. Keep praying, and keep having moments like these with the Lord. It's so crucial that you learn to just take breaks. Retreat. Take moments where you ask God where your heart is and what needs to change.
          	Just like a car needs to be serviced and checked , our hearts need to be checked on. Am I still okay with God? Do I still reflect Him? Is something corrupting the purity of my heart?
          	These are questions you should ask yourself and the Lord.
          	Be patient. You may catch yourself making mistakes, and that's okay sis, as long as you recognise them and are able to decide not to continue in them, that's what's truly important.
          	My prayer for you all is that God might continue revealing, speaking, instructing, and supporting you into growing to be women of pure hearts.
          	Share what you learned and enjoyed about this event!  I'm happy to hear your thoughts and any testimonies you might have.
          	God has personally spoken to me, and it has blessed me so much ❤️


Congratulations to everyone who participated in our event!
          Though the event has ended , this doesn't mean that prayer ends. Keep praying, and keep having moments like these with the Lord. It's so crucial that you learn to just take breaks. Retreat. Take moments where you ask God where your heart is and what needs to change.
          Just like a car needs to be serviced and checked , our hearts need to be checked on. Am I still okay with God? Do I still reflect Him? Is something corrupting the purity of my heart?
          These are questions you should ask yourself and the Lord.
          Be patient. You may catch yourself making mistakes, and that's okay sis, as long as you recognise them and are able to decide not to continue in them, that's what's truly important.
          My prayer for you all is that God might continue revealing, speaking, instructing, and supporting you into growing to be women of pure hearts.
          Share what you learned and enjoyed about this event!  I'm happy to hear your thoughts and any testimonies you might have.
          God has personally spoken to me, and it has blessed me so much ❤️


Day 5
          Yesterday, we asked God to help us implement some ways we can overcome our sinful struggles. I want you to share what came to mind and what God led you to do. I got ideas about buying people more gifts with no expectations attached and just out of love. I also started thinking about ways to better listen to people, make sure they feel heard and loved, etc
          The Holy Spirit will always teach us and instruct us on how we can better live for Him. He will give you the strength and capacity to live out His will if you're willing to listen and truly desire it.
          Perhaps He is leading you to now practice declaring positive and biblical affirmations over yourself. Perhaps He will lead you to memorize verses that speak of fear and doubts to help combat anxiety. Perhaps He will lead you to take a social media fast or to block/stay away from certain contacts. Perhaps you should delete certain music, songs, or videos you've been consuming.
          Perhaps He will convict you about the type of films you watch or the type of friends you're hanging out with. Perhaps He will remind you of some open doors that you need to repent of and shut. Perhaps He will teach you that that guy is a waste of time and to distance yourself from him to better focus on Him.
          Perhaps he highlighted certain things such as idols that you should temporarily take a break from or permanently detach from.
          Whatever it is, obey. 
          If you didn't receive anything. Don't be discouraged. Today is our last day, but it's not the last day of prayer. Prayer is not just something we do every day but at any moment. We can pray in the morning, night, afternoon, and even in the in-between. While driving, in between classes, or during a lunch break at work. 
          Ask God to help you cut off the things that are contaminating your heart. Help Him to help you practice the things that will feed your heart with good things so that the foundation of your heart is His Spirit.
          (MORE BELOW)


@Selveyet simply beautiful. Love this (:


@She_Flourishes mine was; - a woman of God who can accept love; doesn’t turn down help (Jesus didn’t deny those who asked if He needed a place to stay or food to eat), accepts compliments kind words without feeling guilty/denying them, shows love to others effortlessly, bring vulnerable


We want a new foundation. One of love, peace, gentleness, self-control.
            To get one, it will take a lot of practice. Don't get discouraged. You will mess up at some point. There's no such thing as perfection with this flesh still around. You might react angrily, and you might still get jealous, but the key thing is to be aware. You know what's evil, good, and what's not good for you. Be self-aware, reflect, think, and ask yourself what a heart of God would do.
            What instead of jealousy should you do? What instead of anger should you do? What instead of worrying should you do?
            Calm down, take a deep breath,  ponder on that, and work towards making that thought pattern your norm. Over time, sis, you will grow and grow to eventually become the woman of God who is always led by the voice that says "God how would I best reflect you in this situation?"
            I'm praying for all of you!
            Meditate on these verses:
            Galatians 5:16
            Living by the Spirit’s Power
            16 So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves.
            Romans 8:14
            14 For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons[a] of God.
            John 14:25-27
            25 “These things I have spoken to you while I am still with you. 26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. 27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.


Yesterday, we took time to ask God to help us overcome our struggles. 
          For today, we will be thinking of the opposite of our struggles. If you struggle with a sin such as pride, think of how being humble could be. If you get jealous often, the opposite of that reaction would be being happy for others and selfless.
          If you have some wounds where you think you don't deserve love or insecurity, think of how it looks like being a secure woman of God, who confident in who she is.
          Keep that image and ask God to help you become that woman. Ask God to help you be resident, confident, secure, and healthy. Ask God to help you be happy for others. Instead of just asking God to help you with anger, ask Him to help you be patient, to not interrupt others.
          Be detailed. The challenge of today is to sit before God and find ways that you can reflect Him more. 
          I often try to do this. When I sit sometimes, ideas on how I can bless others come to mind. I think of ways to be more selfless. Ways to be more humble. Ways to be more patient to combat the sinful struggles seeking to take over.
          For our reading, we will go over Galatians 5 once again, but this time emphasizing the fruit of the Spirit. Read the fruit of the spirit and highlight which fruits you aren't bearing and how you can act them out 
          What are some ways you can be secure in your identity? What are some ways you can learn to accept love?
          Ask God to highlight these things, write them down, and ask Him for the strength to be able to do them.
          Galatians 5:22-23
          22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things, there is no law.


@She_Flourishes love this ❤️❤️


Yesterday, we asked God for revelation and for Him to continue to speak to us.  For today, I want you to ask God to help you walk away. To break the strongholds in your heart. Perhaps you realize you have an addiction to something. Perhaps yesterday, you realized you have an open wound that still needs healing. Perhaps you realise unforgivness lives in you. Perhaps you realize you're always jealous and struggle to be happy for others.
          Perhaps you realize you get insecure, doubt your beauty and worth, and that's what causes you to compromise. Whatever you discovered, today we will be humbling ourselves before God.
          We will be asking the Holy to give us the capacity to overcome these strongholds. We will be asking God to break chains. We will be asking God to break that sinful foundation in our hearts. That God heals us from traumas. That God helps us to be stable, secure women of God.
          Those weaknesses you have aren't to condemn you. You're not a bad Christian, and you're not less than, but your weaknesses are things that God is more than willing to help you overcome and grow to become stronger in.
          What is something God highlighted to you during your prayer yesterday? I had a dream where I  saw myself share with someone the trauma I experienced and realized how I needed to heal in that area. Perhaps God spoke to you through His word, people, a thought, or a vision. Whatever it is, please share.
          John 14:18
          18 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.
          2 Corinthians 12:8-10
          8 Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me. 9 And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.


@totallySpiced AMEN! So encouraging, thank you sis


@She_Flourishes what you do is truly amazing and such a blessing God bless you and give you the grace and strength to carry on❤️


Yesterday we did some self-inspection. Today, we will be asking God to open our eyes. There are some faults and weaknesses that are very obvious to us, but there are also some weaknesses we may not be well aware of.
          As someone once said, you can't claim not to be a greedy person if you've never touched millions. You can't claim to have high self-control when you have never been in a situation where compromising is easy.
          It can feel easy to say and imagine we wouldn't commit certain sins, but God knows our hearts far better than we do. Perhaps there is hatred, jealousy, pride, and lust hidden in our hearts that will only manifest when we reach where GOD BAS CALLED US.
          David could've had a seed of pride. Abraham could've had a seed of lying/fear. Moses could've had a seed of anger.
          These are things only God can reveal because only He knows you better than yourself. He knows the issues in your heart that you need to deal with now before you reach certain levels in your life.
          That's why we will be playing the instrumental again, sitting before God and asking Him to open our eyes. To speak to us, to allow situations to occur where we can see the hidden sin in us.
          (MORE BELOW)


@She_Flourishes next time I try to instrumental


@She_Flourishes i woke up later than I planned and I know GOD deserves my of time then I gave. I realize though I want to look up because of who he is not because I feel like I have to.if that makes sense please pray for me.


@Selveyet wow! That's so beautiful (:


Day 1!
          We will be doing some self-inspections. It is important to also be self-aware of some heart issues we might have. By the grace of God, we all have the Holy Spirit who was sent to convict us of sin (John 16:8). He will help us remember the times our hearts weren't in the right place.
          Play an instrumental and just be still. Try to reflect on yourself as a person and a servant of God. We judge ourselves against the word of God.
          So, for our self-inspection with the help of the Holy Spirit, we will be reading Galatians 5. Read the full chapter.
          No, seriously, please do.
          In there, you'll find the works of the flesh, which I'll list below. Ask yourself what works do you do currently.
          Do you get jealous? Are you someone always starting fights? Do you do things you know are impure? Read each work properly and check which one you have. 
          Once you realize which fruits you carry, ask the Holy Spirit to take them out of you. Ask Him for forgiveness and ask Him for help.
          (MORE BELOW)


Thank you for this!❤️


@Selveyet thank you so much for reading!


@She_Flourishes This is so helpful thank you for posting this <3


Next week, our theme is all about the heart. We will also be dedicating time where we can talk, discuss, and pray over our hearts.


The name of Jesus has power.
          A lot of Christians can take the name of Jesus for granted. This name isn't just any name. It's not just 4 letters on paper but has power.
          Matthew 7:21-23
          I Never Knew You
          21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
          We see that these people Jesus didn't know yet they were able to do the miracles they did, they were able to heal, cast out demons, and do glorious things yet did not know God. How? Because they did it all in Jesus' name. You don't need to know Jesus to be able to recognize the power it has. Even demons know His name's power but aren't surrendered to Christ.
          (MORE BELOW)


Psalm 119:15-16
          15 I will meditate on your precepts
              and fix my eyes on your ways.
          16 I will delight in your statutes;
              I will not forget your word.
          Mediate - Take time to think, ponder, and reflect on God's word. Ask yourself and God questions regarding the text. Don't just read to read but read to understand.
          Fix - concentrate on God's character and how He has revealed His heart and ways through the verse. What have you learned about God? What can you apply? What has this knowledge done?
          To delight - make it something you desire. Learn to love the word of God. We learn to love God's word through understanding and revelation. If you struggle to love the word, I encourage you to ask God to rebirth a desire for His word.
          Do not forget - make it your lifestyle, make it something you're consistent in and pursuing. Put that word that you mediated on into practice. Make it your lifestyle. Make it something you practice so it never leaves you 
          Have anything else to add? Share your thoughts?


Psalm 131
          I Have Calmed and Quieted My Soul
          A Song of Ascents. Of David.
          131 O Lord, my heart is not lifted up;
              my eyes are not raised too high;
          I do not occupy myself with things
              too great and too marvelous for me.
          2 But I have calmed and quieted my soul,
              like a weaned child with its mother;
              like a weaned child is my soul within me.
          3 O Israel, hope in the Lord
              from this time forth and forevermore.
          Something I've learned from Psalm 131 is that one thing that reveals we're growing in spiritual maturity is when we don't just love God when He blesses us, but even when He tries and tests us. 
          Though a weaned child might not be getting that satisfaction of receiving from his mother something that pleases his flesh, he still has the comfort of the mother's presence. Though we might not always have seasons of blessing upon blessing in terms of material things bringing us happiness, God's presence will always be there.
          God remains with us, and David learned to be content with just the presence of God. Not the presence of God and money. Not the presence of God and women. Not the presence of God and high status,  but he became content with God just being there with him. David could quiet his soul, hold his peace, and rest. With just God's presence his good and satisfied. Everything else is just a blessing but not his heart's joy. 


I like this, thanks for sharing. 