
Wow! My last note was from 2020! I have been so dead on this account!!! I’m sorry it’ll probably stay dead but yeah! Hi! If anyone reads this! 


There is a sequel it’s just not finished!  but I’m so glad you liked it


OHMYGOD I just finished bright lights and it was one of the BEST books I have ever read, and that’s saying something because I read a lot!! Still recovering from the knowledge that there isn’t going to be a sequel


Wow! My last note was from 2020! I have been so dead on this account!!! I’m sorry it’ll probably stay dead but yeah! Hi! If anyone reads this! 


There is a sequel it’s just not finished!  but I’m so glad you liked it


OHMYGOD I just finished bright lights and it was one of the BEST books I have ever read, and that’s saying something because I read a lot!! Still recovering from the knowledge that there isn’t going to be a sequel


I just spent the day baking treats for my family and I took off the paneling (of this ugly wall) that my parents have been asking me to do for weeks! And i did all this just to avoid writing! aren't I great at Writing!!!


hi!i really enjoyed your story 'bright lights', it was very realistic and the end was perfect as it was open ended.So thats why i would love to know if you will continue Kelly jayfire's story, best of luck


ok thanks for replying 


I’ll get there soon I swear I have chapters they’re just not edited 


You find out something new about yourself everyday. 
          Today’s new thing, I realized how much I actually truly hate myself. It hurts to admit something like that but it’s true (I don’t expect anyone to respond I’m just writing it out) 


That posted wasn’t about art it was other things but thanks I was having such a bad week that I wasn’t even smiling anymore so you placed a smile on my face @istealkneecaps


            Art and writing aren't the same, but there's some overlap. I've been where you are now with myself and with my art multiple times. Burnout and feeling like you're not good enough are KILLER. It's the mantra of me and a lot of people to keep practicing and never stop working, but sometimes, like in times like these, it's okay to slow down and take care of yourself for a bit. Spend some time with close family and friend, watch a show you enjoy, treat yourself. I'm not good with advice, or words in general, but know that you have worth, value, and I care about you, dude. I'm always open to talk if you're feeling lonely.


I don't want to be me today
          I've been having such a long day! I just whish everything could pause for a bit. I want nothing to move I want all sound to stop and I want the concept of time to stop. I'm not happy and I just don't want to be here. Maybe I just feel this way because today sucked. Maybe I just wish I could achieve something that I never thought I could. I have a good amount of readers and my dream of being an author is becoming a reality. I've always wanted people to love my stories. I'm so grateful for all the support I get from readers but I have so many idea's for stories that I actually can't write anymore. I guess that's just one of my random problems. 
          I can't write what I want, I can't grow out of my one hit wonder story. I'm not the person I want to be. I want what everyone wants me to be I guess. I want to be good at sports, I want to be able to write the best story, I want to be more confident, I want to be everything I know I'm not. I know that I am who I am and if I want something to change I have to hard work but for today, I want to be someone I'm not. I want to make people smile, I want to be a friend to everyone, I want to be the talented person. I try and I try but I keep getting pushed down. Is there anything I'm actually good at? Does anyone care? What's the point of trying to improve myself but I always end up in the same place? I guess this is just the person I am. I'm usually very positive and I am happy but today... I want to give up. 
          I guess I'm posting here because I don't think anyone will read this so I'm sorry if you read this whole stupid rant.


Just got invited to start a challenge over the months of February and for all my writing followers I wanted to invite you to do it as well ( or if you've been wanting to write and just haven't feel free to try) 
          The challenge is to write 50,000 words in 24 days. It's not going to be easy! Here are some rules 
          No editing 
          No slashing out chapters! 
          Just go with what you feel 
          Tell me if you try it!