
I am going to tell you all about my update plans now. Because there is too much that is due for update. Here's the plan:
          	After I publish Chapter 1 of resurgence of the abyssal end, I will be publishing Sea of Finality and updating it till Chapter 1. Then, I'll be working on unknown spirit rework and do the same thing.
          	When that's all done, there will be no more new books until I finish one/ reach book 2 or 1k follower which will take a while. The next update after all of that mostly will be either hi3 x Raiden fem reader the book that you all been waiting for to update before following the update schedule.
          	 As for hi3 x raiden fem reader for now it will be following the game storyline but with my plot. Everlasting euthymia same thing but I added more plot. 
          	Dating a herrscher particularly will be hard to update since I don't watch date a live but read other book about date a live to understand the storyline. 
          	Story list that I need to discuss with co-writer first about where its heading because messy storyline: 
          	1. Dating a herrscher
          	2. Reincarnated as Griseo
          	3. Everlasting Euthymia. 
          	Dating a herrscher and everlasting Euthymia might get a rework or heavy edit. But we will just have to see who knows I could make something out of the current plot. I ma just say this, but never trust the truth when a chapter is telling mc's or character past until its confirmed in later chapter. I've been practicing how to make twisting plots. Hence now when a new book arrive there wont be a prologue that tell mc's past because it will be much fun to reveal it later or slowly with hints per small chapter if i am able to.
          	Last, sorry if my books doesn't get balance update since my main book will be sea of finality, shatter reflection, resurgance of abyssal end so those book will be updated more frequently since I have been preparing. A new schedule update will be out soon after all 500 follower book is out. 
          	also which book is your favorite so far.


Yep 2000 characters announcement xd


I am going to tell you all about my update plans now. Because there is too much that is due for update. Here's the plan:
          After I publish Chapter 1 of resurgence of the abyssal end, I will be publishing Sea of Finality and updating it till Chapter 1. Then, I'll be working on unknown spirit rework and do the same thing.
          When that's all done, there will be no more new books until I finish one/ reach book 2 or 1k follower which will take a while. The next update after all of that mostly will be either hi3 x Raiden fem reader the book that you all been waiting for to update before following the update schedule.
           As for hi3 x raiden fem reader for now it will be following the game storyline but with my plot. Everlasting euthymia same thing but I added more plot. 
          Dating a herrscher particularly will be hard to update since I don't watch date a live but read other book about date a live to understand the storyline. 
          Story list that I need to discuss with co-writer first about where its heading because messy storyline: 
          1. Dating a herrscher
          2. Reincarnated as Griseo
          3. Everlasting Euthymia. 
          Dating a herrscher and everlasting Euthymia might get a rework or heavy edit. But we will just have to see who knows I could make something out of the current plot. I ma just say this, but never trust the truth when a chapter is telling mc's or character past until its confirmed in later chapter. I've been practicing how to make twisting plots. Hence now when a new book arrive there wont be a prologue that tell mc's past because it will be much fun to reveal it later or slowly with hints per small chapter if i am able to.
          Last, sorry if my books doesn't get balance update since my main book will be sea of finality, shatter reflection, resurgance of abyssal end so those book will be updated more frequently since I have been preparing. A new schedule update will be out soon after all 500 follower book is out. 
          also which book is your favorite so far.


Yep 2000 characters announcement xd


Prolouge for resurgance of abyssal end is in editing process since co-writer who does the edit is now available. As for chapter one its still around 25% done.


Need idea for ability. My imagination dead. For reference go back to new published


No need for discord as well. The only thing we’re going to be talking about is what is going to be said in the first bio


no i need to replace


@COWCOWcowcow1234 Let me get this straight, you want more ability. Let's say the character have 3 category of ability right now as we speak with 20 move per category. What you saying is you want more of these categories with 20 moves/ability. If you want we could discuss this over discord private message so it doesn't get spoiled till you publish. My user is shizuomurasaki in discord


I dont know how much longer I can delay shatter reflection chapter 2 due to how bussy my co writer right now. He might not even start editting yet, in order not to burden him even more, chapter 2 shatter reflection will be not editted so sorry if you see grammer mistake or some part that it doesnt make sense. If you do find the part that doesnt make sense just tell me.
          I will still sent it to him in case he can edit it.


@lin_starsnigth I have another co writer but the second one only good at helping write and give idea. He is not that good in editting. Finding another co writer who is good at editting is not that easy even in mh discord server since most of em are offline or just join for info about book update.


@ShizuneMurasaki  uhh...
            You know you can hire another co writer if you have good person on it.


The first book of 500 follower I promised is out. You can read hi3 re: resurrgance of abyssal end from my profile, or notification. The book will be rated mature so if you dont see it you can find it through my profile. Bio chapter will be out soon.


Just finished chapter 2 shatter reflection and sent it to my co-writer to be edited. The early preview of the chapter is up in my discord for those who have the early access chapter role. Now its just waiting for it to be finish.


I am way too invested in azurlane, sorry honkai impact fans. Also sorry for taking long to update, I was not taking break or hiatus. I was making solid plans first for the plot because I realized that when I write the other book I mostly follow the storyline of the anime/game and now I want to add more of my own plot while also still using the plot from anime/game. 
          This entire time I was planning Shatter reflection plot and I can say, you wont be prepared what I have planned.


            Ничего страшного
            = )