
I’m working on the sequel to Transient Risk in my early morning writing time and cleaning up Book 1 during the day. If I left you hanging at the end of Book 1, you’re welcome to pick up the story in “Thought Crimes.” I’m up to Chapter 6.


Hey, If you're seeing this it means that the witches' letters have arrived at your doorstep so take some moments out of your busy life to read this letter from our witches. 
          You are probably seeing this letter because you're a writer who loves to create a world of your own. If you are, then you probably have the need to improve and discover more about yourself; if these are the case, then here's our review shop by The Phantom Community. 
          Our lovely witches are awaiting your arrival at the shop as they have pleasant packages for you, if you would love to see these packages then visit our review shop. 
          Have a great day. 


Just finished the last chapter of “Transient Risk.” I have a ton of work ahead of me (plot holes, character development, chapter length, dialog tags, etc., etc.) but it is finally a story that isn’t going to be changing every time you turn around.


@Somerschool congratulations! That is always a great feeling! I look forward to reading it.


KnotANumber has a REALLY nice opening chapter to a hard sci-fi story. I’m jealous. But I’m willing to share with the rest of the children. It’s only one chapter, but it’s worth studying for style!


My very literate daughter read the start of my story. “Too dark! You have to make people LIKE your characters before you drag them through the knothole!”
          So there’s a brand new chapter one. And, of course, yet another new title and cover. Because I talked to a publicist yesterday and we’re actually going to do this thing.
          So—take a peek at Chapter One (brand new) of “Transient Risk” (brand new title, same work in progress) and tell me whether you think my daughter will be happy with my opening now.


Some of you very patient people have watched my new book writhe and twist out from under me as I write it.  Today my heroine insisted I put her into Chapter two, not way down in eleven. There was an epic struggle, but I can’t say no to a pretty lady who has taken over my book. 
          So—meet Lauren in Eureca, Chapter Two, “A Life Between Two Covers.” I’m just getting to know her myself. I THINK it’s going to be a beautiful relationship.
          I hope.