
UPDATE ON FUTURE STORIES (updated 06/04/24)
          	- CURRENTLY ON A WRITING BREAK! Stay tuned for updates.
          	The following are in the order I intend to release them in. Subject to change.
          	Upcoming ASOIAF Stories :
          	1 - Viserys Targaryen x OC (GoT S1 - onward)
          	2 - Yara Greyjoy x OC (GoT S1 - onward)
          	3 - HotD OC (HotD S1 - onward) *no true love interest + may have darker themes*
          	Existing One-Shots in ASOIAF Universe:
          	- OC x Aegon Targaryen (HotD)
          	- OC x Otto Hightower
          	- Dark OC (HotD)
          	- OC x Jon Snow (GoT)
          	- OC x Jacaerys Velaryon (HotD)
          	- OC x Daenerys Targaryen (GoT x slight Vikings)
          	- OC x Daemon Targaryen (HotD)


UPDATE ON FUTURE STORIES (updated 06/04/24)
          - CURRENTLY ON A WRITING BREAK! Stay tuned for updates.
          The following are in the order I intend to release them in. Subject to change.
          Upcoming ASOIAF Stories :
          1 - Viserys Targaryen x OC (GoT S1 - onward)
          2 - Yara Greyjoy x OC (GoT S1 - onward)
          3 - HotD OC (HotD S1 - onward) *no true love interest + may have darker themes*
          Existing One-Shots in ASOIAF Universe:
          - OC x Aegon Targaryen (HotD)
          - OC x Otto Hightower
          - Dark OC (HotD)
          - OC x Jon Snow (GoT)
          - OC x Jacaerys Velaryon (HotD)
          - OC x Daenerys Targaryen (GoT x slight Vikings)
          - OC x Daemon Targaryen (HotD)


Just wondering once you’re finished with GOT/HOTD do you plan on writing any other fanfics or take a break? 


@SprintingFox I completely understand and I hope graduate school goes well for you. I’m glad I got the opportunity to read your books so far because you are a really good writer and I love the tweaks you make to the fandom and how they still flow with the characters and storyline. 


I think once I’m done with HotD/GoT that’s it for me ;-; perchance will finally push for an original book! By the time I finish with this fandom, I may be starting with graduate school and I lowkey don’t want to still be writing fanfic at that point 


Could I ask for your permission to do my assignment (text review) of your book named savior? But I need to know your name since you are the author and that is if you're comfortable of course...


Hello! Sure, that would be cute! If you don’t wish to use Sprinting Fox, I have one of my OC’s names for this situation (the most normal sounding one lol) Morgan Reeves (from my Hunger Games fic) since it could be a person’s names. That could work since I’m not comfortable giving out my real name in association with fanfics


Thank you for following me :)


@SprintingFox it's okay. I already said this but congratulations with your B.A.!


Officially graduated with a B.A. in Molecular & Cell Biology :) Ya girl is done with uni! 


@SprintingFox Congrats. Best of luck with future employment. For now, celebrate this amazing achievement because you deserve it. :)