
Hello, hello, hello!
          	So, two little bits of information coming at you today, one that affects Wattpad and one that will doesn't but would be really helpful if you're willing to help me.
          	First up, I'll be pulling Caged from Wattpad at the end of the month. This has always been on the cards and now that I'm knee-deep into editing and reworking the story, the draft is miles away from the Wattpad version. I also want to go for trad-publishing so it makes more sense to pull it.
          	Which leads into my second thing.
          	If you were interested in reading Caged but didn't get the chance, I'm looking for Beta readers for the next draft. If you would like to help me out with the next few steps in the editing process then please let me know!


@Spruce_Goose would love to read it


@Spruce_Goose And I found the announcement lol. I had Caged on my tbr and CT rl, since I read it a while back for a club or ton, I believe it was. If you still don't have a beta, get back to me on Discord DM ;-)


Hello, hello, hello!
          So, two little bits of information coming at you today, one that affects Wattpad and one that will doesn't but would be really helpful if you're willing to help me.
          First up, I'll be pulling Caged from Wattpad at the end of the month. This has always been on the cards and now that I'm knee-deep into editing and reworking the story, the draft is miles away from the Wattpad version. I also want to go for trad-publishing so it makes more sense to pull it.
          Which leads into my second thing.
          If you were interested in reading Caged but didn't get the chance, I'm looking for Beta readers for the next draft. If you would like to help me out with the next few steps in the editing process then please let me know!


@Spruce_Goose would love to read it


@Spruce_Goose And I found the announcement lol. I had Caged on my tbr and CT rl, since I read it a while back for a club or ton, I believe it was. If you still don't have a beta, get back to me on Discord DM ;-)


In a weird twist of fate, all three of my ONC entries have made it to the shortlist and are now in the running for the Top5 and the Grand Winner position. Colour me surprised that all three made it.


That’s so amazing !! Hugest congratulations ❤️ 


@Spruce_Goose Congratulations, Goose. For all your hardwork you deserve it ❤️ ✨️ 


The ONC longlist made its long-awaited appearance today and I am pleased (and a tad surprised) to announce that all three of my stories made it!
          Onto the shortlist it seems


@Spruce_Goose Congratulations Amelia! ❤


@Spruce_Goose Congratulations Goose!!!!! Party please ❤️


Alrighty, there were a few more things I wanted to add with my post the other day, but I was running out of words.
          As I said, for the time being, I won't be posting any new stories. I will say that I am still thinking things through but I think I'm pretty set on where I stand. You might see me for ONC next year, or maybe I'll throw some first draft or something out there, I don't know. 
          I intend to keep my current stories on Wattpad, at least for now. Caged, however, will be taken down in the next few weeks so if you intend to read it, now is your chance. The reason is I am pretty deep into editing right now and the current draft is miles away from the uploaded version. It's also a story I want to Trad publish with so I will have to take it down either way. 
          I'll announce that closer to the time.
          And that's it. I will be back to put some feelers out for beta readers for Caged once the story is finished, but I do believe that's all I have to say.
          It's been a crazy few years


Hey everyone (I so hope this goes through). 
          So, I've taken a little time to sort of figure out how to phrase this properly because it's safe to say that a fair amount has gone on recently that I haven't talked about. 
          At this particular moment in time, I think my time posting on Wattpad might have come to an end. I've been here since 2012, had this account since 2014, but as of right now, I am struggling to see a reason to keep posting.
          My discoverability and engagement is non-existent, and I know that engagement isn't everything, but when you're not getting a single read other than your own on your work, it's hard to see a reason to keep going. My read counts have been stagnant across all 23 stories and even my ONC and Creator projects are dead. I've had slow stats before, but this is a whole other level of slow.
          But it's not just that.
          A few weeks ago, Wattpad removed my 2019 ONC entry for an apparent rule break. I know that it didn't break the rules, and almost a month later, I haven't heard anything in reply. The lack of communication has me doubting my position here that little bit more out of fear they could remove anything even if it doesn't break the rules.
          Another one of my stories has been shadowed banned (no tag rankings) and I can't explain why, either. It's been like that for several weeks now. 
          As of right now, I'm really struggling to see a reason to keep posting so the chances of you seeing a new story from me over the next few weeks is slim to none. It sucks facing this as someone who has been here for so long, but I think it might be time to hang up my posting hat. 
          I'm still thinking things over, but that is where I stand right now. 
          Sorry this isn't upbeat news.


@Spruce_Goose Yes, it is getting harder and harder to get reader engagement. I've noticed that even loyal readers seem to be disappearing. Sorry to hear you're discouraged but hopefully all your future plans, Wattpad-related or otherwise, work out.


@Spruce_Goose I'm sorry to hear about your misfortune. Your disappointment is validated. It's saddening that the people I've known for a long time are leaving this place, or rather, driven away. </3


@Spruce_Goose  Hi Amelia. I'm sorry things in Wattpad have turned out this way. It's sad that you must go, but we can't stop you from your decisions. This faulty AI is  ruining everything. People can't see how AI is ruining the Reader's and Author's enjoyment. My fear is that it won't just be on Wattpad,  but soon the technical device might go in to others.
            I wish you the best in all your endeavors my friend. I've enjoyed hearing stories from you since the beginning. Take Care now!


We have another four more chapters of Message in a Bottle! The last four chapters will be going up tomorrow and then the story ends!
          Also, I know there are a lot of things happening right now, and I do have a few things I want to say but I'm trying to keep my temper somewhat under control. When I can collect my thoughts, I'll post something.


@Spruce_Goose Hi! Love how you said that you want to keep your temper under control ... LOL... don't we all? I try to do the same. Cheers! I'll be doing the same!