
Some days I forget I exist. Not in bad, just casually 


@ Squid_1928  i forget my age all the time- (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)


Okay, so I am working on the oneshot requests (mainly because it has been since January when I last updated ) and to who ever requested the Inkmare one, fatal mistake. Inkmare is my otp and I just found out that when I write a story about them, it’s long 


Hello peeps I am back from the dead but I am currently dying from illnesses that will go away eventually. 
          So I open Wattpad and the first thing recommended to me related to Undertale when I was scrolling was my own Inkmare book. I click on it to read it for sake of boredom and oh my gawd. How tf did you guys like it? I couldn’t read the first chapter without dying of cringe or something 


@Squid_1928  Skip the cringe parts, ignore the cringe parts, stop reading all together are my to gos


I swear, who ordered this snow?? I can’t see anything on the highway or grid roads, but it’s Canada - we still have to go to work because snow days don’t exist and we just have to dig out way into the schools and whatnot.


If I haven’t edited a story for awhile, I’ll read the last two chapters to see where I am at and what I need to write for the next chapter.
          For the Untimely Endings, which is a Killer x Dream fanfic, I was reading the last posted chapter. When I finished reading it, Wattpad took me to the next “chapter” which was a draft. I did not realize this and I panicked thinking I posted an unfinished chapter that only contained an unfinished sentence 


I was doing some cover art for the oneshot requests on my I-Pad and I have the fancy Apple Pencil.
          But I do have the stylus with the rubber tip at the end and this thing is metal. And I bend it because I was gripping it to hard, I think(?), and I can’t bend it back. Like it has a noticeable bent in it. I could probably take a protractor and find the angle if I really wanted to


I would like to apologize for not being very active lately. I have been burnt out lately and just really tired. My Finals are in four days (January 25th-January 30th). Luckily I only have one and it’s my departmental for ELA A30. 
          I’ll take a mental break afterwards and continue writing in February or around the last few days this month. (Around January 30th to February 3rd). Currently I am struggling with keeping awake and eating (I can somewhat eat, but it’s foods like soups and salads that are easier for me to consume, and my Stepmom is telling me to suck it up and just eat because it’s “all in my head and I’m delusional”. Meaning she is avoiding making those foods to prove her point).
          This genuinely makes me feel bad due to the requests that have been submitted for the oneshots. I do plan to work on them a little here and there when I can and feel like it. 
          On the other hand, I am doing things for myself that are improving my mental status. Like writing about my day and making small goals for myself that I can do in a day. 
          If you are having the same issues, PLEASE do things for yourself and not just wait for things to get magically better. If you need someone to talk to but don’t have someone available: write a journal about your day and keep it on you if you’re worried about someone finding it. DO NOT feel pressured to keep up with the flow or do something because you feel guilty or down about not doing so. If it’s in the way of making yourself feel better mentally and/or physically, stop. You’re going to burn yourself out and make yourself ill. 


@Squid_1928 Hey Squid, Hope you feel better soon and Don't over work yourself too much. 
            - Cupid Reaper 