
          	As of now, the release for Mending Fate is experiencing a delay. The reason? That’s under wraps for now but I will be explaining and updating soon!
          	Please send all your patience during this time while I navigate some changes behind the scenes. I promise I’ll have more information soon. 
          	Love y’all and please keep in touch!


@TheFeveredBookaholic hey just checking on you. hope you're doin good and i pray for ya. love you!!


@TheFeveredBookaholic Excited for the release....... I hope you're doing well. 
          	  We will patiently wait for the release, so take it easy, and I am hundred percent sure you would come out with an absolute epic story, no doubt about it!!!


❤️ can’t wait to read when you publish it!!!


your such a good writer , i love all your books so much . i’m sorry for the hate you have gotten in the past and most likely present because of the felix book . but i pray your doing well and i pray your finding your peace . your a person at the end of the day so there’s no rush . i thought i’d just give my thanks to you because i know how hard this is & the hate it comes with . and no person deserve that :(


Hi, I just want to say, although idk you in person, I know you're an amazing soul — as an author and as a person. The way you write so passionately is beautiful. It shows just how beautiful your soul is! I'm sorry the negativity & toxicity of Wattpad forced you out. You don't deserve that, no one does. But I am happy you chose yourself by calling outs on this app. I understand. 
          Hoping all the true happiness onto you & your life!


With the writer's permission
          - بَـابَـا جُـون؟
          - كَم يـَروق لهُ أن تَنعتُه بِبَـابَـا جُـون فقد عَودها عَلى ذلك مُنذ صُغرها.كان ذلك أوّل هعْد لهُ بالأُبوه.
          - نَعـم صَغيرتِي.
          رفعت إليّهِ مُقل مُحمله بالدمُوع وهتفَت فِي تأثُر:
          - أنا أحبك كَثيراً.
          تسارعت نَبضات فؤادُه أمام أعترافها البَريئ الذي أختَرقَ قلبهُ وزلزل كيانُه.
          هو رجلٌ مُدنس بِأدنأ الخطايا بَينما هي وَردةً محتفظه بجميع بَتلاتها دون نُقصَان.
                                     فَهل يَجتمعان؟
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