
Hello everyone,
          	Sorry it has been a while, but good news come with the publishing of the 14th poem in the Inure anthology — “In Attica for Aphrodisia”.
          	Thank you so much for the patience and for the support this far <3


Hello everyone,
          Sorry it has been a while, but good news come with the publishing of the 14th poem in the Inure anthology — “In Attica for Aphrodisia”.
          Thank you so much for the patience and for the support this far <3


Hello everyone,
          The twelfth poem in the Inure anthology — “Lovers' suicide” — is ready for publication, however, it will only be released tomorrow [6th January British time]. Today, I'd like to lightly touch upon the inspiration for it:
          Outside Wattpad, I have shown and discussed several of my pieces with people who monitor my mental health (due to my struggle to communicate verbally). At my age, they expected to find poems on the topic of romantic love, but here's some contextual information about me:
          I have not dated in the past (nor am I presently in a relationship), thus do not seek to write poetry about the experience I do not have.
          Taking the above into account (for those who analyse the poems), "Lovers' suicide" is not about two people in essence—it should make sense when reading closely on the themes presented in the poem and underlying meanings.
          Until tomorrow, thank you all so much for the support and for making Inure a safe space for every other reader <3


@Elli_may_do  Guaranteed. Bungo Stray Dogs content is only published under @AnAlienFromJupiter and @ThatThingFromMars


@TheHumanFromEarth Can you promise this isn't about Dazai? Not going to double suicide with him right?


@TheHumanFromEarth I am one of the two "lovers" in the poem indeed. A little note alongside this:
            Every poem I write in first person reflects me as an individual — and those in third are from the perspective of its corresponding speaker, but the "I" persona in this poem will not be me. Tomorrow you decide who "I" is


Hello everyone,
          First and foremost, a happy new year to you all! I sincerely wish you all the best for 2022, that it may be better than the previous years.
          Alongside this, the evelenth poem in the Inure anthology — "Stray Dog" — has just been released. It isn't exactly a poem celebratory of new year's; I wrote it on the last couple of days of December, however, hesitated in publishing it... Regardless, I hope you enjoy and thank you all so much for the support since this account was set up! <3


@TheHumanFromEarth Happy New Year love!!!!!! All the best for 2022 and look after yourself, okay? Love you lots and lots and lots❤️


With the release of the 10th poem (and possibly the last this year), I believe now would be a good time to let readers know about the thought process behind the naming of the collection.
          While anthologies are usually named after a noun, "Inure" is defined as a verb. Definition-wise, it refers to one's accustoming with something (or someone) unpleasant. School has taught us verbs to be "doing words", usually recurring despHello everyone,
          The tenth poem in the Inure anthology has just been released, titled "Doctor". This should be the last poem I write this year (2021), but not the end of Inure...
          Thank you so much for all the support since September and, if I don't return until next year, a Happy New Year (and Merry Christmas if you celebrate it).Hello everyone,
          The tenth poem in the Inure anthology has just been released, titled "Doctor". This should be the last poem I write this year (2021), but not the end of Inure...
          Thank you so much for all the support since September and, if I don't return until next year, a Happy New Year (and Merry Christmas if you celebrate it).ite the time, which would contrast with the constant state of a noun;
          The idea behind having this verb instead of a noun naming the anthology would carry on the idea that despite the events of the past or memories, unpleasant things are not those we can simply name and brush aside, but rather, things which one may fall back on from time to time.
          Despite its personal register, I hoped "Inure" to become a safe space where I could express what, in blunt terms, "is still wrong with me" and encourage people to know that it's okay to fall back on yourself sometimes. No one's perfect. And our minds are far from it.


^ what everyone else said. i cannot express how much i admire you and your works, and i think if i try to, i’ll just end up repeating a lot of what i’ve already said. i really hope everything’s going okay for you. and while i know how selfless you are, at the end of the day, please don’t forget to always take care of yourself too <3
            merry (early) christmas and happy new year to you too :)


@TheHumanFromEarth Everything is so well thought out I long to have as much brain capacity as you do❤️❤️❤️
            Thank you for all your work and please rest well :) you deserve a very long break (but please don't forget us)
            Only happiness should be allowed in your life <3


@TheHumanFromEarth Exactly what Ella said. I definitely am extremely proud of you for being so brave and letting your voice be heard through poetry, and I hope you can find happiness through this
            Look, I hate assuming, but I don't think things are going well for you right now. You don't usually go quiet for so long and I've been having this hunch that you've not been feeling yourself lately.
            I want you to know you're amazing in every way and super talented!!! I mean it. You're so brave and strong and you comfort people so well through your words - I hope you never change. I only want happiness to change your life.


Hello everyone,
          The tenth poem in the Inure anthology has just been released, titled "Doctor". This should be the last poem I write this year (2021), but not the end of Inure...
          Thank you so much for all the support since September and, if I don't return until next year, a Happy New Year (and Merry Christmas if you celebrate it).


@TheHumanFromEarth You've worked hard and well❤️ please enjoy some rest and make sure to look after yourself, k hunny?


@TheHumanFromEarth Thank you for sharing all your hard work and talent with us!!! Couldn't be more proud of how far you've become since the beginning of this year!!!


Hello everyone,
          The next poem in the "Inure" anthology has been completed today, however, it will not be published as of yet. I will publish it on December 1st [British time].
          Somehow, I've only just realised that Wattpad does not allow writers to add footnotes (unless it's in comments—but I will refrain from using these in case it boosts the ranking unfairly). However, the following piece may require some footnotes, therefore I have added them in a little Author's note at the end of the part.
          I'm devasted at the lack of footnotesヽ(`Д´)ノ


@TheHumanFromEarth Can you stop being so cute (༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ) I'm actually crying over hoW HSJZHSKALSLSWKSLSKKSNSHSU™ YOU ARE!!!!