
Assalaamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakatuhu!
          	Tomorrow, that is, on 20th Aug, 2021, @BlackRedHeart (e.shvh) is coming live on Instagram! And guess who is the guest speaker?
          	Le_me XD
          	The topic would be on "How to start writing on wattpad", and make note: it is a sisters only event. The session would have a presentation, a question answer segment and also the two of us in it =D 
          	And did I tell you? You are all welcome!
          	Hoping to see you tomorrow night In sha Allaah! Tata!


@TheTemporaryWayfarer وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
          	  ان شاء الله 


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته... 
          *تقبل الله منا ومنكم صالح الاعمال* ✨
          الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر
          لا اله الا الله الله اكبر
          الله اكبر ولله الحمد 
          عيد مبارك 


a small token of kindness (05th january 2023) 
          rain of refinement, earth of bloodshed; tropospheric rocks and primitive nightshade.  a seizure of clairvoyance, a mask of a stone; a memory loosened, a breath of disease. harm catapulted, catastrophic love; a wound transparent, blood a pinch of sea salt. 
          a pomegranate churlish, a caterpillar soft and green; firelight shells,  evening that murmurs fantasies. mourn the bell, the bell of heroism; creative feathers, heart of fresh fabric. tales of clouds, tales of uterus; a fallible dare, a poetic sickness. 
          sun sealed moon, wrapped, unwrapped; slip like a streamlet of smoke, a sharpness that floats. pulse that radiates, sleet that breathes; wings of bones, emotions an augury. autumn of balance, florid tinders; quietus fingertips, life an organ buzzing. 
          warped pollen, petals a haze; clouded blooms and lips of scents. ballrooms of solitude, chandeliers of pianos; what a song like that of feet tapping against measured slivers. what is fire hurts not itself but others, as the sun that burns its earth, as the moon tender upon eyes but hurts its heart the most. 


Assalamu Alaikum sister,
          When will you be continuing Tantalizing Hope?


@shininangel54 Wa alaikum assalam warahmathullahi wabarakatuhu. I'm writing it sister. In sha' Allaah in a few days... ;)


Salam alaikum sister is there a way I can read the remaining of this book without having to purchase it?


@snowqueenH Nope, sister. You can have a paperback or a ebook. They are priced at an affordable rate so everyone can buy them. =)


Please how can I access your remaining story, "captivating illusion"


@khadijatanas You can click on to the link given on my bio and buy the paperback or ebook =) It is available on 3 platforms.