
Good morning readers..
          	I hope u're liking my posts..
          	I'm working really hard on them..
          	I have a request..
          	Please don't it..
          	Altho it does mean a lot..
          	What I mean to say is..
          	Please vote for(like/star) it too..
          	It will mean a lot too..
          	Your poet
          	~The broken healer


Well hello there Anna! I just wanted to let you know that I read ur work and trust me it almost felt as if I found myself in ur work like those emotions, those feelings, that broken feeling of helplessness n everything! I could relate so much. I loved your work and honestly speaking, I really wish for you to write more uk hehe also I would love to have a friend like you so if u don't mind, can we be friends?
          Also dear remember that being happy is always upto you, life will ofc and certainly sometimes give you infinite reasons to be sad/hurt/upset, to be in pain but you mustn't give up! You should never ever give's hard but even if you're successful in finding a small yet single reason to be happy then I believe it's surely enough to not give up yet and to live your life to the very fullest! So pwease don't blame yourself instead just do your best, work hard and don't give up yet okie. 
          Just know that you have me, a friend of yours who loves you and cares for you hmm. Be okie dokie and yes, if u ever wanna talk then I am always here to listen and be there for you.


@The_Broken_Healer17 Hehe umm hmm mention not dear 


@SohaHasib2 Thank you so much for the wishes and compliments my well wisher..


You are Awesome Anna bro or dude(whatever you prefer)


@Dekiru_Will Oooh..
  's alright..and don't be so nervous around here..
            It's a free and non judgemental place..
            And I support gay rights and everything too..


@Dekiru_Will Oh..
            And don't worry..I support LGBTQ+ too..
            So don't be nervous.. we're cool..


@Dekiru_Will Ohh..
            Well..9th grade is kinda tough..
            So we can't blame them either..
            U have to study..


Good morning readers..
          I hope u're liking my posts..
          I'm working really hard on them..
          I have a request..
          Please don't it..
          Altho it does mean a lot..
          What I mean to say is..
          Please vote for(like/star) it too..
          It will mean a lot too..
          Your poet
          ~The broken healer