
I have a question for you guys. I’m doing research on the Sharingan abilities but there is a debate online on whether or not it can detect and see through henge transformation jutsus and i’m confused as hell. 
          	Some people say that it can and others say it can only tell that there might be a transformation, others say they can’t see through it, and others straight up say no. All of these have evidence for them based on the anime and manga because Kishi loves his plot holes. 
          	What do you guys think is the right explanation to how a Sharingan handles henge transformations? 


@TinyTot09 I read a theory that I thought made sense to me. "The reason henges don't get detected is because they are not expected, and the eyes don't just automatically work like that. The user must know what to look for when it comes to tricks like Henge".  This itself could certainly be disproved by other theories I suppose. With any other ability though, the amount of training one puts behind it would attribute to skill level and experience regardless. I am running off of 3 hours of sleep and probably make zero sense so take what you will from the ramblings of your fan! 


I have a question for you guys. I’m doing research on the Sharingan abilities but there is a debate online on whether or not it can detect and see through henge transformation jutsus and i’m confused as hell. 
          Some people say that it can and others say it can only tell that there might be a transformation, others say they can’t see through it, and others straight up say no. All of these have evidence for them based on the anime and manga because Kishi loves his plot holes. 
          What do you guys think is the right explanation to how a Sharingan handles henge transformations? 


@TinyTot09 I read a theory that I thought made sense to me. "The reason henges don't get detected is because they are not expected, and the eyes don't just automatically work like that. The user must know what to look for when it comes to tricks like Henge".  This itself could certainly be disproved by other theories I suppose. With any other ability though, the amount of training one puts behind it would attribute to skill level and experience regardless. I am running off of 3 hours of sleep and probably make zero sense so take what you will from the ramblings of your fan! 


Why is writing the most important and emotional scenes that I'm excited for always the hardest....


@TinyTot09 I couldn't have worded it better myself. Sometimes, finding the right words to describe the intense emotions we feel never sounds right once it's on paper...the typical "This sounded better in my head," syndrome for all writers.


@Thehayls13 exactlyyy it’s so frustrating 


@TinyTot09 They never seem to translate onto paper well and we want to do the scene justice, ya know? 


Hey there! Hope everything is going alright..Just wondering if you planned up updating this story anytime soon? I understand if you need more time, or if life is getting in the way. It's just that me (and I'm sure many others) are still super curious to find out what happens next...