
Assalam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu. I hope this reaches you in an increasing rate of Iman and health. This message is for all those who have read my book 'Door to Jannah'. In one of the chapters I've written about the sunnah's of Friday where I mentioned that clipping nails and applying kohl is a part of Friday sunnah but I gotta know now that this is not proven by any authentic hadith so doing it with the intention of gaining good deeds will result into a bida'h (innovation). I apologise for spreading the wrong belief through my book. May Allah rectify my affairs and make me firm on his religion. Spread the word. Jazakumullahu khaira.
          	P. S. The update of Road to Jannah will be after a week in sha Allah because rn I am having exams. 


Walaikum assalaam warahmatullahi's okay don't worry dear.......human make err.....sometimes . Allah likes and forgives a person realise mistake and correct it. We can wait for update......and best of luck for your exam.


@Umm_Hurairah but applying surmah is sunnah isn't it? 


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu
          I hope you're well In sha Allah. May Allah Azzawajal's blessings be upon you and your family. Ameen.
          Hoping to see your new book soon. Yeah? In sha Allah :)
          Your books are source of hidayah to many. I wish you continue writing dear sister in Islam.


"assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi barakatahu" Hello I am one of ur readers, but firstly this is a beautiful story u hava given us about Islam and it help me a lot I can't even describe how much it has helped me. So I read u were leaving whattpad i know salah comes first but I want to say don't quite whattpad because people who r shy introverts like me who read comics and Manga at their free time(which is waste of time gaining nothing knowledge from them) this help me come closer to Allah this story was recommended by my friend on whatsapp saying it's beautiful islamic love story I am not much into love story but this thing is more than a love story it is book of Islamic lines in it and I loved it sooo much it reminds me of allah even when I am not reading Quran, salah and hadith, but yes we need to remember allah even when we r not reading Quran, In some house's they don't teach the meaning of 'THE HOLY BOOK QURAN' but this is a book were we can understand those lines perfectly with explanation and I know it does not have full book of Quran lines and verses  but it helps to understand the basics of' THE HOLY Quran 'I learnt a lot of things which I was not thought growing up and even my parents don't know it. So a lot of young readers out there who read ur book silently. And I am one of them. I am saying this because u have been gifted with this amazing talent to give those islamic speeches in ur book which u call it as 'LECTURES' (don't think that we don't read ur speech after the chapter ) I know it takes a long time to write the story but u can update every 4 to 6 months take ur time. "Something is better than nothing u know" so don't rush ur self but don't leave whattpad it helps to gain knowledge when we r wasting our time when we r free and while we are travelling .we gain knowledge in a interesting way through the story. Thanks this was just my opinion the rest is up to you .


            You can text this in insta because she sees your message there


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarkatuhu, how are you ? Finished your exam? When are you updating road to jannah  chapter I'm waiting


Are you doing master in commerce@Umm_Hurairah 


I will miss your writings hope to see your next story soon in future...........take care and get ready for next phase of life as well friend@Umm_Hurairah 


@CrackersNWafers Walaikum-us-salam warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. I am good Alhamdulillah and don't have exams these days. I was just caught up with life. In sha Allah will try to update towards the end of the week. 