
To no-one’s surprise, MOB’s chapter is delayed. Usually I’d say to tomorrow, but this time I’m saying till sometime later this week.
          	I’m going to take a break this week. The last few days I haven’t felt the best, and I realized some uncomfortable truths about myself. It was actually really interesting, looking at myself from a new perspective I have never done before. I don’t even know what brought it on. Kinda a revelation in a way. I started thinking and dug deeper at a different angle than expected.
          	I want to make it clear I’m okay. To me, this realization is ultimately something great. I try to strive to continuously improve myself, and as such I cannot turn a blind eye to what I’ve realized. I’m taking this break to refresh and to start breaking some bad habits of mine. Some of which pertain to writing.
          	(Cough, for example difficulties with discipline to my own schedule, cough!!! :0)
          	But I may not be able to even last the week without writing a chapter. Actually, if I start breaking my bad habits, there should be a chapter sometime this week. I won’t promise anything except that there will be a chapter by next Monday at the latest. I hope that this can lead to better writing and writing habits for myself, along other things.
          	I’m also adjusting my release schedule for the time being due to my summer job. I’m thinking of chapter releases to Friday, Saturday/Sunday, and Monday. Seems silly, right? My reasoning? My summer job is during the week, not the weekend, and this is an experiment. If it doesn’t work out, I can adjust schedule again.
          	Ideally, chapters resume Friday. At worst, they’ll resume Monday.
          	Man, long message. But I think I covered everything I wanted to. To any of you who read this far, thank you. I appreciate all of your support so much, my readers, more than you could ever really know.
          	I appreciate your patience, and I’m very excited for what’s to come. Lots of fun things in plan for all three books! 
          	~ UF


@UnknownFate25 it's alright man, you do you.


@UnknownFate25 Take your time, we’ll just be happy knowing you’re alright


Take your time pal, we can wait for ya in the end


To no-one’s surprise, MOB’s chapter is delayed. Usually I’d say to tomorrow, but this time I’m saying till sometime later this week.
          I’m going to take a break this week. The last few days I haven’t felt the best, and I realized some uncomfortable truths about myself. It was actually really interesting, looking at myself from a new perspective I have never done before. I don’t even know what brought it on. Kinda a revelation in a way. I started thinking and dug deeper at a different angle than expected.
          I want to make it clear I’m okay. To me, this realization is ultimately something great. I try to strive to continuously improve myself, and as such I cannot turn a blind eye to what I’ve realized. I’m taking this break to refresh and to start breaking some bad habits of mine. Some of which pertain to writing.
          (Cough, for example difficulties with discipline to my own schedule, cough!!! :0)
          But I may not be able to even last the week without writing a chapter. Actually, if I start breaking my bad habits, there should be a chapter sometime this week. I won’t promise anything except that there will be a chapter by next Monday at the latest. I hope that this can lead to better writing and writing habits for myself, along other things.
          I’m also adjusting my release schedule for the time being due to my summer job. I’m thinking of chapter releases to Friday, Saturday/Sunday, and Monday. Seems silly, right? My reasoning? My summer job is during the week, not the weekend, and this is an experiment. If it doesn’t work out, I can adjust schedule again.
          Ideally, chapters resume Friday. At worst, they’ll resume Monday.
          Man, long message. But I think I covered everything I wanted to. To any of you who read this far, thank you. I appreciate all of your support so much, my readers, more than you could ever really know.
          I appreciate your patience, and I’m very excited for what’s to come. Lots of fun things in plan for all three books! 
          ~ UF


@UnknownFate25 it's alright man, you do you.


@UnknownFate25 Take your time, we’ll just be happy knowing you’re alright


Take your time pal, we can wait for ya in the end


Chapter 9 of VSC is out!
          As time passes, seasons change.
          Some things rise while others fall.
          But some are left to be buried beneath it all.


@UnknownFate25 sounds like a fever dream


Hey, FATE, just curious, where do you get your book covers? Do you yourself draw them, do you have someone that does, do you use AI, what? I'm trying to find a cover for my book and I cant for some reason


@Tony_NR I create my covers myself. I used Photopea for most of them, being a website discount photoshop that is free and quite useful. For the last two however, JAOH and VSC, I’ve been using Illustrator.


I dont know why it capitalized your name, I apologize.


Issue #81 is finally out! Thank you for your patience, everyone!
          And just to clarify because of the chapter’s title, “Before The Grand Finale”, the next chapter is not the final one.
          However, only a few more chapters left!


@UnknownFate25 goddamn, only a few more left? sad


@UnknownFate25 Alright, time to keep praying for a volume 2  


Due to bad planning, JAOH’s next chapter will be delayed by a day or less. It needs a little more work for my personal satisfaction, but I need to sleep early for my summer job.
          I apologize for the inconvenience, I will likely be adjusting my schedule around my summer job soon, so expect a new update in regard to that in the near future.
          I’ll also plan on cooking up something extra for the troubles. Most likely an extra chapter which will be coming somewhat soon.


@UnknownFate25 ...next time, sleep when 11:30 strikes.


Chapter 205 of MOB is out! 
          I hope you enjoy!


@UnknownFate25 it's alright pookie. We always need to grind, or life will grind us.


@Void_Emperor had to get to sleep early for my summer job :(


@UnknownFate25 bro posted a chapter before 1 in the morning. Did hell freeze over?


The last two days were busier than I initially expected, so I’m afraid I’ll have to delay the MOB chapter by one day once again.
          My track record continues to sink into the mud…nooooooo…
          Sorry about the inconvenience, and thank you, my readers for being patient! More epic chapters approaching soon!


@UnknownFate25 i think at this point, just have MOB chapter release date on tuesdays


@UnknownFate25 It's okay bro. You don't have to strain yourself.


UnknownFate25 when he meets knowingDestiny50


@canIjustchangemyname I dropped deep-woken honestly


this message may be offensive
@SirGhidrah I hate the pyrekeeper from deepwoken who the fuck thought 5 criticals in a single legendary weapon was a good idea, the worst part is that EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM DOES A BAR ON A GUY WITH DEEPDELVER I CANT WITH SHIT 