
Happy Pride Month to all the LGBTQIA+ people worldwide! Be who you want, love who you want, be happy as your true self and mostly importantly be proud!
          	No matter your sexuality or gender, you are valid, you are supported and you are loved!


@Valha248  I'm actually gay, so I take this month seriously. Not just as a positive reminder... But as time to reflect on my past choices and relationships. Have a happy pride month everyone, godbless ❤️


@Valha248 happy pride month my fellow straggot


Happy Pride Month to all the LGBTQIA+ people worldwide! Be who you want, love who you want, be happy as your true self and mostly importantly be proud!
          No matter your sexuality or gender, you are valid, you are supported and you are loved!


@Valha248  I'm actually gay, so I take this month seriously. Not just as a positive reminder... But as time to reflect on my past choices and relationships. Have a happy pride month everyone, godbless ❤️


@Valha248 happy pride month my fellow straggot


Happy 13th Anniversary to my favourite cartoon in the world, The Amazing World of Gumball! It's a joy to turn off my brain and watch Gumball and his friends and family's silly antics. You've inspired me with my new passion of writing fanfics, introduced me to many characters and ships that I've fallen in love with and are now huge comforts for me, and most impprtantly allowed me to meet and become friends with so many incredible and diverse people within the fandom!
          Genuinely, I'm mot sure where I'd be now if I hadm't made the decision to sit down and watch the show kn full, and I do not for a second regret doing so. I cannot wait for what the future of the series will bring, and I sincerely look forward to Season 7 and hopefully the Movie!


I feel so old omg. Show still holds a special place in my heart too. 
            Best wishes <3


Yep! Happy anniversary!! 13 years ago.. dang, it’s been a while? Haha 


@Valha248 Happy Anniversary! :D
            It's so great to see how many of us this show has impacted and molded our interests, humor, and overall life! 


Happy Easter everyone, and also Happy Trans Visibility Day to all my trans readers, friends, and everyone else around the world! You are accepted, you are valid, and you are supported. Always.
          To celebrate, here's a thread of some awesome trans Gumball fics!


Happy Easter and trans visibility day to you too 


@Valha248 Hi there, I did a feral version of Gumball. Check it out. He's like a mountain lion, but big as a liger (lion and tiger hybrid) itself. I made a drawing of Gumball myself for I have read your The Kitten's Limit and it's sequel The Kitten's Wrath, a promising book so far.
          Feral! Gumball:


@Valha248 Gumball is now known as... the blue panther


I know my previous post may have been a little disappointing, but fret not as I have another much more thrilling announcement to make!
          I am incredibly excited to announce that, as of the beginning of this month...
          I am officially collaborating with @ImaginationStudios8 on a brand new Gumball AU!
          Not gonna say what exactly it is yet, as that'd ruin the surprise, but it's something 
          not many people have done before. We're deep into the ideas and planning stage and so far we've got some pretty incredible stuff spanning (currently) two stories and multiple shorts! 
          Expect laughs, tears, angst, drama, heartbreak and so much more when the first story launches sometime in the near future (hopefully) over on Imagination's account (probably). (Don't worry, as soon as it does I'll be sharing it here!)
          And as a small tease of what's to come I'll leave you with a few out of context quotes either from the stories themselves or mine and Imagination's conversations. Make of them what you will:
           "It's ok you can bite Penny to help!"
          "LMAO YES. I'm just imagining him all gremlin like hunched up ravenously munching on the bread as he looks around to make sure no one is watching"
          "Well, I guess the vet isn't happening."
          "Really Penny? You think I'm an old dude that uses telegraphs or something?"
          "*puts on therapist glasses* Now how would you feel in this moment, Mr Fitzgerald?"
          "Because mouth! AGHHH"
          "Really? Did you really just-"
          "Yeah. I did." She grins. "Why, is it too close to home?"


@Valha248 Oh heck yes! This sounds like it's going to be AWESOME! Two of some of the most talented Gumball writers teaming up? Oh yeah, let the hype train commence! ❤


So, rememberr when I said it should take me a few years day to finish my oneshot?
          Yeah, still not done. Trying my best but i keep writing only a few words then get distracted or not being motivated to write more. No idea when it'll be done, byt hopefully soon.


this message may be offensive
Hey sane here pal :P 
            I literally can’t write more than a paragraph and then, get stuck? Ugh.. plus battling personal challenges and sickness. Dosent help either. 
            Just wanted to let ya know, happens to the best of us! It fucking happened to me too, and it’s awful >:(


@Valha248 Don't sweat it Valha! I've been feeling much the same way, but don't put yourself down with it! The best thing would be to relax and enjoy some relaxation! I do feel the more I think about how I don't have a chapter done, the more it brings me to feel unmotivated~ 
            So, in essence, do it when YOU feel ready! :D
            Prayers and best wishes! I hope all is well! 