
Hey everyone!
          	New art book just dropped! The other one was getting a lil too big, so yeah, have a shiny new one. Also, I think it might be nice to have this new one focus on my upcoming books, comms, and newer sketches. 
          	So yeah, check it out if you like looking at my doodles, or if you want to see what I'm up to. I usually mention what I'm working on atm. 
          	Hope you're all doing well and I wish you all the very best on this upcoming holiday season! (*ˊᗜˋ*)/


hi writer <3 I'm your typical silent reader but I've been urged to say something. I just want to say thank you for all your work. You're such a beautiful writer that it fills my heart with such joy to see you post <3 Thank you, from the bottom of my heart that you convinced me you're my absolute favorite writer. I hope you're doing well and have a great year ahead <333


@michvdm Hello! I'm sorry it took me so long to reply to this, but it's been a busy time. I'm so grateful for your kind message though! Knowing that people enjoy my stories and find some joy in them always makes me incredibly happy, so thank you so much for taking the time to share your feelings with me! 
            I hope to be able to keep making things for you and everyone else and I hope you have a great year as well! ❤❤❤


Hey :3 Only one question: How (which app) did you design the backround for your Albatross-cover? It looks so fancy with the water :D


@ Vapid_Ink  Oh thanks ^^


@Caramellcreamy Hi, sorry it took so long for me to get back to you! The cover was actually made for me when I joined the paid program. I believe the cover artist was rentachi


Hey everyone!
          New art book just dropped! The other one was getting a lil too big, so yeah, have a shiny new one. Also, I think it might be nice to have this new one focus on my upcoming books, comms, and newer sketches. 
          So yeah, check it out if you like looking at my doodles, or if you want to see what I'm up to. I usually mention what I'm working on atm. 
          Hope you're all doing well and I wish you all the very best on this upcoming holiday season! (*ˊᗜˋ*)/


Just finished reading Clover! Gotta say, it was awesome! Kinda in the middle of being 'not too short but not too long' area, pretty good for their timeframe in the story tho. All in all, I loved it! Great job auth!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️5 rounds of applause!!!^v^


@ceekaysmiles87 Haha, I really didn't wanna drag things out too long back then, so I'm glad the length was good. Thank you for taking a look at it and I'm so glad you enjoyed it!  ❤


Hello everyone!
          Hope you're all having a great weekend as we start the spooky season! I posted some new art and will be updating Tales From A Teenage Henchman this week. Also, it's my Wattpad anniversary~!
          Been on this site for ten whole years and I'm very happy with having found a very nice and supportive audience. Thinking back to when I first started, I never thought I'd have so many people willing to read my work. I was a tiny author (literally and figuratively because I'm short af) and I still am in many ways, but I've also been very fortunate to find a much bigger audience than I could have hoped for. 
          Through all these years I've gone through many hardships, but I've always looked at the love my writing has gotten when I was feeling down. You've all been amazingly patient and supportive and I wish you all nothing but the best. Thank you all for looking at my weird little stories and I hope I can keep writing more things you'll enjoy!
          See you all soon! (*ˊᗜˋ*)/


Hey everyone~!
          New chapter of Tales From a Teenage Henchman is up, so check that out if you can! In this week's episode we get to see what a horrible influence Tim and Lina are. Which isn't really news to anyone. 
          Also, I have a Patreon now! If you're curious about what I've been working on and have a couple bucks to spare, consider becoming a patron. I'll have exclusive  content, merch, and early updates in the future, but for now it's mostly behind the scenes stuff, like info about my WIP and concept sketches. 
          Anyway, hope you're all doing well. I'm going to go do some more storm preparations now, so if anyone comments/DMs me and I don't respond in the next couple of days, I probably won't have power at some point. ಥヮಥ
          Have a great weekend everyone! (*ˊᗜˋ*)/