
I read what you've written, it was truly artistic. I could keep reading and reading tell the next day, thats What I thought I would do atleast, so why did it end so soon?
          I highly recommend you wright more it was certainly enjoyable, you definitely have a talent. 


Everyone is posting messages to get your attention, and I mean who can blame them but please don't notice this one or respond to it because I would probably die, and I have finals soon so I'm trying not to die for at least  another 6 months. Seriously though I've been obsessed since the collaborations with Greg. When I saw The Pinecone Killer I flipped out because you were on the cover and I was going to comment on the first chapter who the guy was on the cover but I realized YOU wrote it and so I figured you would probably know who was on the cover....okay this message is getting kinda long and I have fanfictions to read....bye...