
Hey, sorry, I've been AWOL. I currently have Covid so I'm just super sleepy all the time. Yes, I'm fully vaccinated so it was basically like having a sore throat. I'm just pissed I caught it despite not going out of the house for months (years!!) at this point.   My toddler got it as well which was the scary part and after 7 days of fever they've pulled through. Thank goodness. Hope you guys are safe. 


@WaitingForEnd hope you get better, rejected and the search for cinderella are 2 of the best books I've read on wattpad


I hope you’re all safe and okay!!! 


Get well soon dear


Uhhh Rejected is my favourite book of all time. I literally go back and reread it every couple months. Every book I read makes me think of it and I can’t stop myself from going back again. It’s just that good. Please continue writing! I’m a big fan of your historical fiction/romance books and would gladly read any new projects or ideas that you have!! 


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Amazing stories. I hope you continue or dig into any of your finished stories to write sequels they would be fabulous. You gave the side characters so much life you can definitely pull a reader to a new story in the same world! Keep writing!