
Hello people, if yall have noticed, (hopefully you didnt) ive been gone for some time. Like, half a year, but who cares. Anyways, IM BACK. Just took a small break cause i started getting "main character syndrome". (Is that even a thing?) And so i needed to stop feeling depressed for no absolute reason. But im fine now, for now. And i also had a few family problems, but wverythings fine now too.
          	Anyways, what should i update people, i literally have so many new ideas for literally anything, so say something now before i give up and right poo


 And also won’t change 


 Can u update give her back


Hello people, if yall have noticed, (hopefully you didnt) ive been gone for some time. Like, half a year, but who cares. Anyways, IM BACK. Just took a small break cause i started getting "main character syndrome". (Is that even a thing?) And so i needed to stop feeling depressed for no absolute reason. But im fine now, for now. And i also had a few family problems, but wverythings fine now too.
          Anyways, what should i update people, i literally have so many new ideas for literally anything, so say something now before i give up and right poo


 And also won’t change 


 Can u update give her back


when are you updating


@M4zirati ill work on it sometime this upcoming week


update i won’t change please!


@M4zirati anything you want me to update?


After you read this you must send it to 15 people. 
          If you get 3 back you're LOVED !
          Nobody knows how important something is, until they lose it. 
          Tonight right at 12:00am the person you love will realize they love you. 
          Then at 1:00 to 2:00 pm be ready for the
           shock of your life! 
          If you break this chain you will have bad luck. 
          With love send this to 15 people, if you don't 
          You will turn ugly in one year. 
          Tomorrow 2 boy/girls will ask for your number. 
          Send this message to 15 nice people or bad luck starts for a whole year.


this message may be offensive
Yo, who the fuck uses abbreviations while speaking?
          "Talk talk talk talk talk"
          "Kay, brb"
          I went to the mall yesterday cause I needed stuff, didn't like it cause there were people. But at least now I know whats in a mall. And I'll make sure to never return. 
          Its 5 in the FREAKIN MORNING!!!


@morganlbr wait, but like, you'll pronounce the letters? 


@Wendol123 since when im out, im at school, I’ll probably use brb, wtf, lmao and things like of that sort


UHM UHM UHM UHM UHM UHM UHM, anyone else scared of space for some reason. Like, besides me also being afraid of spotting a planet through a telescope, anyone just afraid of space for some reason?
          Like, we could be the only living beings out in an expanding universe. Black holes could literally suck us up one day. Being afraid of total darkness is another thing I have, but like seriously. 
          If you're an overthinker like me, you'll think about the possibility of there being millions of other lifeless universes. I mean, watch one day, we're all kidnapped by a black hole and die because we can't live without the sun. 
          Yo, now I'm scared. 
          Tell me your opinions will you?


@Lolnothankso you're probably right but that's to late now i stayed up till one last night. I'm pretty sure having insomnia doesn't help either -_-


@Wendol123 you're welcome ;)