
Hello Wattpad!


Another issue-
          I have a friend, who is unlike most people I'd normally be friends with. One night I stayed over at hers and she made me drink alcohol. But in some ways she's a good friend, and she's going through a lot, she's even attempted suicide at one stage. What do I do?!


@Jaydy03 Dear Flustered,
            The first thing you need to do is get her help immediately. This is a dangerous situation. Find a way you can sit down with her with a loved one or preferably a trained professional and express your concern with her. I'm glad to hear that you are a good enough friend as to care for her so much.


          So I had a boyfriend. Last week he kept being an ass to me so I realised he wasn't the guy I thought he was and broke up with him.
          That night he kept calling me, screaming at me, so I asked him why he kept calling me, and explained that I had better things to do then to fight all night. So he answered me, and told me that he wished he'd never dated me and he should've asked out Alyssa instead. (Who, by the way is his ex, he even told me he had sort of feelings for her still, but being the great gf I am I told him I was okay with it as long as he didn't act on it. Not that it matters.) 
          So a week later he keeps swearing at and insulting me and my friends, giving me dirty looks, etc. I just want to get him to stop, but how? And did I do the right thing breaking up with him? Please help!
          -Sincerely, flustered


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            Dear Flustered,
            I have some good news for you, and some bad news. The good news is you did the right thing. Whoopee! Because nobody wants to date an asshole.
            The bad news is, there isn't really a guaranteed way to get this to completely STOP. You can ask your friends to stand up for you or with you and tell him that what he's doing is NOT OK. The sad thing is, being an asshole, he may not stop. That's when you realize that haters gonna hate, and assholes aren't worth your worry.
            Congratulations, I grant you the ability to totally reject his dumb ass and ignore him completely. Block him. Reject his existence. If you can, it's always best to be civil and polite, but if this doesn't work, clearly just blocking him out of your life is the rout to go down.


And I don't mind if you post this on your story. :)


Hello World, so I am back and I want to thank you all for sticking around! You've helped me so much ad now I have a laptop so I can actually post! I hope you'll like and comment! I love your feedback.
          Be sure to look for new posts on AskKat, and look for my new novel, coming out in June! Xoxo,


Look at that fancy profile picture and background.10/10 would bang. Jk


@GryffindorMadchen That sounds like a tragic problem. how are you to live? Will you have to go to the *SHUDDERS* outside place


@lxlawlietx thats fine sorry i lost my laptop ahh. >///<