
Hello and Aoa to all my dear friends 
          	I have great news to share. I'm now on YouTube:
          	(Username: @bloommm.    -the dot is really imp )
          	***Because of the dot being seperated , the actual link is not opening, so please please make a little efforts and search my username to follow***
          	So kindly go and subscribe because it means a lot!
          	Also please follow me on Instagram: 
          	(Username: @winxclubbloom93)
          	Thank you for all your love and support! It keeps me motivated and going. I'm trying to become active again so it would mean a lot if you could subscribe and follow! 
          	Thank you. Love you 


Hello and Aoa to all my dear friends 
          I have great news to share. I'm now on YouTube:
          (Username: @bloommm.    -the dot is really imp )
          ***Because of the dot being seperated , the actual link is not opening, so please please make a little efforts and search my username to follow***
          So kindly go and subscribe because it means a lot!
          Also please follow me on Instagram: 
          (Username: @winxclubbloom93)
          Thank you for all your love and support! It keeps me motivated and going. I'm trying to become active again so it would mean a lot if you could subscribe and follow! 
          Thank you. Love you 


Helloo!! (Assalam o Alaikum incase ure muslim too :D) 
          I came here to say thnk u for voting on my BTS imagines book btw :D do comment and lmk if u liked it or not :D 


@WinxClubBloom93 alhamdolilah <3 im glad you did XD 


Ws, yes Alhamdulillah I'm Muslim  Also np I loved it 


          Whenever there is an issue, the world rises! But when Muslims are in danger, why does no one raise their voice?! 
          This is not a Muslim issue! It's about humanity! Everyday thousands of people die; they have no food, electricity, water and basic things! Their homes are being destroyed!
          Palestine has no forces, no army! This is pure GENOCIDE!!! 
          I request everyone to help Palestine and if you can't, financially or physically, then please pray for them! Raise your voices for the innocent souls!
          "You don't have to be a Muslim to support Palestine, you have to be human"
          Palestine, I support you from Pakistan 
          ALLAH HU AKBAR!


@CJ_PARKJENNYKIM Don't worry, we have Allah, In Sha Allah everything will be fine.  Also, nice to meet you fellow Pakistani 


@WinxClubBloom93 YESS PLEASE SAY IT LOUDER!!!! Im muslim too and it hurts to see how everything is so barbaric. how people wont raise their voices at mass genocide and rather defend it. Disgusting really. (Im from pakistan too btw XD) 


Hello & Assalam u Alaikum, my honey bears! 
          My dear, precious friends, who stayed with me all this time, even though I don't update now-a-days. How are you? What have you been up to? I missed you guys a lot! Each one of you. 
          I'm really sorry for not being active. But I wanted to update you on my life, so here I am.
          I mentioned in the note I posted last year; the study pressure and all things that kept me tied up. I expected things to get much better but alas, things hadn't really been too well for me. 
          Last year, in September, my paternal grandmother also passed away. May Allah bless her soul. It was a great loss.
          But good news is, I passed my 2nd year of medical, Alhamdulillah. Now, I never expected medicine to be so hard *cries in regret of choosing mbbs over other careers* haha but my send ups are near. Pray for me 
          I have been trying to write a good story but I'm too caught up in my work and another reason is laziness! Ah! 
          In Sha Allah, I will try to get on to story writing too. 
          Love you bunnies a lot. Thanks for all your support. It means a lot to me. 
          If you have any issue or you want to talk, my DMS are always open. Don't feel depressed (you can share your problem with me, if any), stay happy, eat a lot, be safe. 
          Bye. Allah Hafız! 


@Anonymous31Lady Of course. It will always be. I hope all Muslims unite and help our brothers and sisters.


@WinxClubBloom93 Palestine is always in our heart and mind ♥️


@Anonymous31Lady Jazak Allah dear. Love you. May Allah bless us all. Please pray for Palestine as well. 


Hey there, it’s me Normaniforever1 :) my iPad isn’t working anymore…sorry. :( this is my backup account. 




That’s good to hear.✨


Hello everyone.
          First of all, thank you guys for making "Gangleader's Girl" reach 800k+ views!
          Also, long time no see! And it's my fault. I've been inactive on Wattpad since last year.
          A lot of things happened last year in my life. I would like to share them with you guys. 
          So, last year in February, I got admission in a medical college. Alhamdulillah! And I've been very busy with college. The timing is tough and the course too. Coming home at about 3:30-4:00pm I get so tired that I lack motivation to do anything else.
          Then in April, my father was diagnosed with covid. And everybody was so worried and I couldn't pay attention here. Even my studies were disturbed. But he was tested -ve after a whole months is hospitalization. It was a very tough time for us. My mother stayed at the hospital with my father all the time. We had to move to our maternal grandparents (nanu's) house. Also Ramadan was going on and I had to take online classes. So...
          But then on December 2nd, when I was giving my send up exams, my mom's elder sister, she died and we were devastated. She was like a mother to me and she mostly took care of us (me and my sis) when we were there. And she wasn't even old. So that took a toll on us. We still miss her. May Allah grant her higher ranks in Jannah.
          Now, I'm in 2nd Year, and once again studies are giving me a hard time. 
          But now I'm trying to take some time out for Wattpad. Also I'd like to tell you guys that Wattpad had not been working in Pakistan for about 3 months and right now I'm using VPN to use it. Idk why it's not working. 
          But I'm trying to be able to get more active and I'd need your support. Thank you. 


@Elektrik_01 Yes. It is. Thank you for your concern✨


@Elektrik_01 Thank you. I misses you too❤❤


Just a post for my loyal followers and friends! Thank you for being here with me, even tho I don't post anything now-a-days. Thank you for not leaving ;) I have some things to explain to you guys but as of now I'm in the mid of my send up exams, so I don't have a lot of time. I just want to say, I LOVE YOU ALL. <3 And remember me in your prayers!
          PS. Plz pray for my send-up exams.
          PSS. I'll explain to you what has been going in my life as soon as these exams are over ;)


Thank you for reading and voting on Someone To Watch Over Me .


Thank you for very much!


@Ruechari Np I like reading the story, the plot is nice and the style of your writing inspires me. :)