
Looks like I forgot to mention on here that I finished the first draft of my new fanfic! There will probably be 3-5 drafts (depending on how draft 2 goes) and at least another year or 2 before it's out, BUT the first draft is the hardest for me to do out of any of it
          	What I can tell you so far:
          	- Current word count is 170,000. I anticipate it to be between 250k-400k (hard to guess until draft 2 is done because I usually skip scenes in draft 1)
          	- 8th year fic
          	- If you like Pixar's Soul, Dr. Strange's Multiverse of Madness, and The Good Place, you probably would like it. There are some supernatural elements for sure.
          	- It's very different from IWAJAG, in about ever aspect. It is a soulmate fic, but beyond that, pretty few similarities in structure and tropes (except that Draco has an extravagant skin care routine, I will die on this hill)
          	- This also means much less angst. There still is some, but it's nothing as severe as IWAJAG
          	I can't wait to share it with you (one day, far far from today)! <3
          	Follow me on TikTok for more updates! @write_me227


@StudentGurl66666 i don't know yet! I'll let you all know when i figure it out!


I may cry bro litterly best news ever you’re amazing


Hi, I just finished reading It Was All Just A Game and I loved it so so so much!!! I absolutely love the rollercoaster of emotions you have in the story, and the sweet message at the end (especially that photo or ur tattoo saying "Safe is with me" like I love you!!).
          I recommend this story to anyone who hasn't read it yet!! 
          P.S: Really sorry about the loss of your dad, I lost mine to sickness a few months ago and can understand the sadness 
          Anyway, I love the story and hope you find the inspiration to wrote some more one day! 
          "Not tomorrow."
          "One day is good enough." 


@KattyKat8151 Thanks sooooo much for your kind words! They really mean the world to me! <3 So sorry for the late response!


So I just finished reading IWAJAG and damn I've never felt the way i did while reading this book. I loved it, my emotions were everywhere. It's the fact that while reading this I always wanted to stop reading but than I said no I wanna continue I wanna see the happy ending. Anyways I tooo three weeks mainly bc of school butthats ok I love this book a lot and I recommend for other readers to read this. 


@moonlightkitty_4 sorry i took so long to reply, but thank you so much!! And you didn't spoil anything cause i started reading again a few days ago and have finally gotten over all the depression and stuff, so thankyou so much!!


@KattyKat8151 they end up together! It’s a bit sad at parts I cried a lot haha, but yes in the end their happy! :))


@moonlightkitty_4 Hi, this is a bit of a weird question but i had the exact same offs and ons with this book, and since you've finished it i wanna know - do harry and draco end up together in the very end? Cause i'm at the part where he's thinking of letting go of draco and i really need to know. 


I just finished IWAJAG today and all I can say is wow. It was so lovely and painful and perfect. I enjoyed every second of it even i was having my heart ripped out. Thank you for such a wonderful story. 


@erxnvel Thank you so much for your kind words and so sorry for the super late reply! It really means a lot to me!


          The Ukrainian fandom would be extatic to read this piece in Ukrainian! 
          My editor and I have been working with translation and ff writing (>500k words ff ) for more than 8 years, and what's more we'd be thrilled to translate your fanfic to Ukrainian. We promise to do our best to be as accurate as it's possible!!
          Could we possibly get your permission for that? 
          Even though the Ukrainian drarry community is not that big, I am sure this amazing piece of yours will definitely find its own fanbase here ❤️


@jdoneauthor Hi! So sorry for the super late response! Life has been crazy! Yes, so long as i get credit for the story (if you're still interested!)


just gotta say if you’re reading this and you haven’t read it was all just a game, you absolutely need to. this authors writing is so beautiful and there are so many emotions throughout the story. i finished it about two weeks ago and i cannot stop thinking about it, please please check it out! 


@hhannigram You're soooooo sweet!!! Thank you so much!


I felt it was necessary to say this here though I’m sure you already know and others have told you how incredible your writing is but I cannot express how amazing the story is like I’m still speechless about it and it is literally better than most books I’ve ever read also you’ve given me a bit of inspiration to write a little something of my own so thank you really for helping me in more ways than you may think 


@Written_by_donnie Hi there! So sorry for such a late response! Thank you so much for such kind words! I really appreciate it!


It feels necessary to say this because once I put my mind to something, I can’t not do it. I’m sure you get this litterly every day so
          this could mean nothing but you’re book was just like, wow. I seriously don’t know how to put it I’ve reread it one time already because I seriously cannot find a better book than this one. Your writing is spectacular bro. Youre book made me laugh and cry and like everything in between and it was just amazing. I don’t think you understand how thrilled I was when I heard you were writing another book. I saw your most recent tiktok about how you weren’t writing and stuff and I hope things get better soon. Youre book means so much to me, you have no idea. 


@Maddi3Granger Hi there! So sorry for the late response! I truly appreciate your kind words! TYSM! <3