
Oh my gosh guys I have been gone FOREVER! 
          	Unfortunately, due to some issues in my personal life I won't be able to run this, since I'm at the point where it is hard to keep track. 
          	I'm not going to shut this down, and I am more than willing to still take some part in it but I'm going to be looking for another admin or two. 
          	If you are at all interested in running this account and or checking through auditions/directing projects then PLEASE PM this account and I'll be more than happy to turn this over to y'all. 
          	Once again I am SO sorry for being gone so long. I hope that someone is able to take this further than I was able to. Sorry again. Love y'all -Rei


          	  Which one do you tend to use the most I shall follow It ☺☆


@Kiara786786 Yes I do. I have a few actually.  @Reibun @Magifanficrec @fanficriinta to name a few....though I've been struggling to keep up with them since I've just been having to deal with a lot and have decided that I need to cut back on the projects that I start.


          	  Do u have like your own separate account on Wattpad?


Oh my gosh guys I have been gone FOREVER! 
          Unfortunately, due to some issues in my personal life I won't be able to run this, since I'm at the point where it is hard to keep track. 
          I'm not going to shut this down, and I am more than willing to still take some part in it but I'm going to be looking for another admin or two. 
          If you are at all interested in running this account and or checking through auditions/directing projects then PLEASE PM this account and I'll be more than happy to turn this over to y'all. 
          Once again I am SO sorry for being gone so long. I hope that someone is able to take this further than I was able to. Sorry again. Love y'all -Rei


            Which one do you tend to use the most I shall follow It ☺☆


@Kiara786786 Yes I do. I have a few actually.  @Reibun @Magifanficrec @fanficriinta to name a few....though I've been struggling to keep up with them since I've just been having to deal with a lot and have decided that I need to cut back on the projects that I start.


            Do u have like your own separate account on Wattpad?


(Forgot to notify followers...ugh) 
          Oh my gosh guys, I live! Sorry for being gone so long (My life has been so crazy busy lately!) Anyway, I'm going to try and respond to everything that has happened since my absence, so give me a few minutes to set everything in order.


Okay, great news! I have one project finished that I did as a test project (using some of my own writing) and it was a success. I'll have it uploaded and posted on the corresponding chapter of the story, and also we have another, more serious project in the works. 
          In the meantime we will now start accepting poetry and recording it as quickly as we can. (It will most likely take us somewhere between 2-3 months to complete, depending on how many people are involved in the process.) 
          So you can look forward to that. (It feels so great to get the ball rolling with this finally!) Love y'all -Rei


Hello Rei! So as you know I don't have a mic :( 
          Butttt I (think) I can draw pretty well,so I could draw some stuff for your first project…
          And of course, I'm here for moral support!! 
          <3, Echo 


@ContagiouslyKawaii  thanks! And like I've said, anything more than stick figures is just fine. ^_~


So, we can't start are first project quite yet, due to not having enough people. So I ask you all to please give this account a shout-out, and hopefully we'll be able to get enough people. (Right now we particularly need guys, since right now we only have one.)


@NikolettaBakatselou of course! I look forward to it.


@XxxVoicingxWattadXD  My mic was broken and I will have a new one in a few days. I will be here for you as far as I will have it. I hope we will talk again soon.


@NikolettaBakatselou  If you'd like to join, you are still more than welcome. (There is no max amount of actors/actresses and we can always use more.)  And thank you, I appreciate you encouragement. ^_~