
Hello guys!
          	I hope you're all doing well. Concerning updates, I have a request almost done and soon to be published. However, since the latest update on the mobile app, Wattpad is not letting me edit or write as it crashes every time I click on the chapter.
          	Hopefully you understand that I didn't forget your requests, but the app is not letting me write more. Thank you!
          	Stay safe and lots of love~




i love u and ur work


@-julana Hello! Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad to know you enjoy my work! ^^


Hello guys!
          I hope you're all doing well. Concerning updates, I have a request almost done and soon to be published. However, since the latest update on the mobile app, Wattpad is not letting me edit or write as it crashes every time I click on the chapter.
          Hopefully you understand that I didn't forget your requests, but the app is not letting me write more. Thank you!
          Stay safe and lots of love~



Dear readers, I swear I'm not dead (physically at least but I'm dancing in the graveyard if you're talking about mentally)
          First of all I hope you all are doing well. Second of all, I want to thank you all for your messages and comments of support, I sincerely appreciate all of you ❤️. Third of all, I have been super busy with school and my final exams are very close, so I'd like you to be a little more patient for more updates >~<
          As for those who have left their requests, don't worry I've not forgotten you, I just can't find any free time to actually write them and I don't want to give you some work you won't enjoy. I want my stories to be enjoyable for you.
          With that being said, I hope you all understand the reason of the delay. Have a great day/night and lots of love~❤️
          Author Coffee.