
Hi I’m still alive :D


Loved reading flying on her wings! I had to binge read whilst I was at work because it was so nice and felt refreshing to read compared to most “reader x other” hope you continue to do more amazing work! 
          Ps. Might try to make some art inspired by the said book above, got something in mind


how areu such an underrated writer like ur stories are so good and interesting 


Thank you so so much.  I love writing, and the earliest stories I’ve posted here were written by a much younger me with a passion for creative writing (now fanfic lol), and I’m glad that so many people enjoy them as much as they do :)


Oh gosh guys I got locked out of my account and now the app is updated and different send help


@ZealotGray HELP RECEIVED thank youuu


I want to meet a cosplayer :(


@_Rainy_Melody  Yea I like to avoid those types of people too. Makes things a lot less stressful.


@LittleRam_ yea I got ya, I’m a part of a lot of different fandoms and I kind of just avoid people like that altogether tbh, it makes my life drama free so I guess it works pretty good XD


@_Rainy_Melody  It's okay they'll learn eventually. Thing is stuff like that gives Creepypasta, and the community a bad rap. You know?