
'The Mafia's Pure Desire's Chapter 35 and 36 are already out on Scroll Stack,
          	At this time she was not able to understand what she was doing. She was just washing her hands very vigorously. She sat there crying. And started hiding herself in her saree. She was neither able to think nor know what she was doing.
          	The sound of gunshots was being heard repeatedly in her ears. Even the falling cold water of the shower was not able to take her out of her fear.


Author I am not able to open the update you just posted!


@Niyantamehra44 So sorry, this happened due to some glitches, please wait a bit❤️


Hello dears!
          I am thrilled to share with you a particularly special update in my story. This segment is dear to my heart, and I've poured a lot of effort into making it as beautiful and evocative as possible. It's a turning point where the intricate bond between Nitara and Saket truly begins to unfold, revealing the depth of their past and the possibilities of their present.
          The actual journey of their story has just begun, and the layers of their shared history are starting to peel away, bit by bit. Alongside Nitara and Saket's evolving relationship, Rehaan's life is poised for a significant turn. His experiences and challenges will add new dimensions to the narrative, intertwining their lives in unexpected ways.
          Please take a moment to read this part and share your thoughts. Your feedback is invaluable to me, and I'm eager to hear what you think about how the story is progressing.
          Happy reading, and thank you for being a part of this journey!
          With all my heart,