
Hello babes, 
          	I want to clear some things up.
          	I’ve read what you all have had to say and I appreciate the feedback and support. I want to make sure you are all aware of next steps.
          	I will not be uploading the website or updating the books at this time.
          	When it came to the week I publishing I realized I would be drawn back into not only maintaining, paying, and housing a new website but I would still be having to write and update even when I no longer felt connected to any of it. It would be another year of dealing with copyright, fighting for my books to stay up, dealing with Wattpad and then an entire website. I would be back to dealing with plagiarizers and rude readers and dms about how terrible I was while dealing with my life falling apart at the seams. All of these things and interactions, slowly picked away at my passion to write. Wattpad had become toxic from me and despite me wanting to separate from Himmy, I would have no choice if i decided to upload.
          	So I chose what was best for me.
          	You are allowed to feel angry, sad, betrayed, disappointed, I understand and don’t negate your emotions and how you are feeling from the news. I knew above all else, I couldn’t put myself fully back into this world when I’m not mentally 100% okay. I can’t be in the hospital one day and updating the next or dealing with depression and forcing myself to update because people say I’m horrible or a liar. Last year was the worst year of my life and I’m sorry I couldn’t keep the promises I made but I hope you know I tried.
          	I love you all so much no matter what. I’m sorry if sharing my story and previous trauma felt like a trauma dump to make you forget or to have an excuse. I just wanted to be truthful with how I was feeling. My mental health is the biggest reason why I am stepping away and I knew I had to be honest with my reasons.
          	I hope you can understand.


@_himeros_ get back well soon my lovely writer im in a awe of your creation till the day the time stops


@_himeros_ I just saw a comment further down about Himmy's announcement to stop writing all together. It took me some time to realize this, but yall I think she's done for good. No more Beg for it, no more Kill for it, no more anything. This is the end of an era. 
          	  I just wanted to say I am so happy to have come across your page. I discovered Wattpad in 2020 and your books were some of the first I came across. Your writing always sounded poetic, like art even. Your characters were always so dynamic and complex. Estrella, Vee, Silas...it felt as though they were real people with real emotions. Your writing helped me recognize my own passion for writing, and has inspired me to write my own books. I am praying for you and hope that you heal someday from your trauma!! Even if you never return to Wattpad, I wish you all the best in life!


@_himeros_ I haven't read your books yet, but I fully understand what you're going through. I hope you have people to talk about this to. If not, I would be most happy to chat.
          	  I've burnt myself out writing in the past. I would feel forced by expectations to finish a page a day, but eventually ran on empties. I struggled more and more, and with less frequent updates came more complaints. I let it get to the point where I simply can't write anymore. Not for a crowd anyway. I haven't finished a story since the one that broke me, well over 10 years ago by now. And when I do write, it's for ME. And if I decide to upload it, it's been written well over a year ago and not bound to change. 
          	  I hope that when/if you do return, you can find joy in it once more. I'm sad the community became this toxic. Of course, there are many good people out there, but the harsh comments always seem to hit so much harder.
          	  Feel proud. Proud that you are capable of putting yourself first. That takes an immense amount of strength, and if you master it, you will be a force to be reckoned with.
          	  You got this. You do you.


          Was Kill for it removed? I can't find it
          Love from Romania  Love your stories 


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@ithinkamadorable @LeoKaiSteyn Hey, Kill For It got taken down by Wattpad in April. If you scroll past the two posts below this one you’ll see mine that has a link to how you can read Kill For It.


how i miss youu so much himmy , beg for it helped so much seeing as estrella got better after her sa and it gives me hope . i know you’ll never come back on wattpad but your books have helped many . thank you so much and i pray that you find peace <3 thank you for leaving beautiful books behind i’ll forever be greatful  we love you himmy . 


ta wiadomość może być obraźliwa


Wait so is beg for it on here or kill for it


scroll down it’s hella down there


ta wiadomość może być obraźliwa
Hello Lovelies,
          Some of you are wondering what happened to Himmy and the rest of you are looking for a way to read Beg For It and Kill For It. Normally, I'd send two spammy messages about both topics but for convenience and easier reading, I made a Google Doc for how to read BFI/KFI and a story about what happened to BFI and why Himmy is gone.
          How to read Beg For It & Kill For It


@pxrkjiminx You can find it in the first link and in a document in the Viper Series folder.


@FoReverIsENDing sorry but what's the password to the doc file for beg for it?? 


ta wiadomość może być obraźliwa
Hey guys I'm wondering something. How unfinished is kill for it?
          I mean I started the book after I finished the literal masterpiece(beg for it).its when himmy is still writing it but the updates were slow so I decided to wait until it's finished. they were a few more uptades since I've decided to wait. and then beg for it got taken down himmy went mia and all that stuff. I recently reread beg for it. I want to read kill for it but I know its unfinished so I'm kinda scared. Does it end in a plothanger? how unfinished is it exactly?