
Happy new year guyyyys <3
          	Although I haven't been around, I hope yall safe and happy. I hope you can enjoy your lives to the fullest. Work on the best version of yourself and allow yourself to be happy and to dream. We live for our dreams.
          	I hope 2020 brings you nothing but happy things.
          	I love you guys.
          	Be safe. 



Wait wait wait... What happened with "Ethereal" :"( 


@ _leaders_lady of course I liked it... No, I loved it and I want it back ❤️ 


@LilCutiePie94 hey sweetie! I may or may not been going through a very depressive phase of my life and due to that I kind of deleted most of stories... I'll put Ethereal back on if you like it :) 


Tell me how does this sound my cuties? 
          If you don't love me, you can just say it
          I can't live like this so pls be honest
          I just can't be with you, Mark
          Why not?
          | sometimes we're not sure if we're giving up or moving on |
          Gotx Bangtan
          Side ship: 2Jae


@mylonelycorner vEry veRY VERY SOON it will be out 


thanks for following I am done reading your 2Jae books (which explains that Im a 2Jae shipper ㅋㅋㅋ) and I love it 
          Hope to see and read more


@MeloGase1621 hello! Thank you so much for your kind words. I love 2Jae too so you can keep up with my 2Jae book ehehehe
            Thank you so so much for reading my books 