
To celebrate this story's one year anniversary, I decided to clean up the first few chapters a little; feel free to take a look if you want a trip down memory lane.
          	As for the latest chapter, it's becoming a lot longer then I had planned (probably around 8k words, if not more), so expect that to come out in 2 days. Thanks for all the support so far; there's still plenty more to come!


Do you plan on making other books? 


Yes. They will most likely be for other franchises rather than South Park, but they will follow a similar format as the one I’m currently working on, so transmigrator with superfan levels of knowledge about a particular franchise completely breaking said franchise.


To celebrate this story's one year anniversary, I decided to clean up the first few chapters a little; feel free to take a look if you want a trip down memory lane.
          As for the latest chapter, it's becoming a lot longer then I had planned (probably around 8k words, if not more), so expect that to come out in 2 days. Thanks for all the support so far; there's still plenty more to come!


Happy (almost) 1 year anniversary of HTS:SP dude!


            Thanks! I was not expecting this story to go on for as long as it has, but I'm still having tons of fun writing it, especially with all the support and ideas I'm getting. At this rate, HTSSP is probably going to be close to, if not greater than, 200 chapters upon completion so there's still plenty to look forward to.



            Looks awesome! You mind if I feature your fanart in my work (with credit given to you, of course)?



@aDovahkean I don’t mind at all! Its up to you, really. Thank you for including some art into it too!


@Cynnixs it works, thanks. Looks great! You mind if I post it in HTSSP (with credit given to you, of course)?


You probably got a hole lot of new material with the new woke special that South Park just did


I can see why you think that, but there’s less new material available for me than you think. 
            For starters, Dovah has no clue about anything South Park related past the Streaming Wars specials (so no season 26 and beyond) since he was transmigrated before that content came out. 
            Also, the multiverse was shown to be a thing in South Park since season 2’s “Spookyfish” and I’m already exploring that concept in my story so nothing new there.
            Maybe, if this was before I started working on the Nahkriin war, I could’ve incorporated that pander crystal plot device into it to introduce the multiverse. In fact, if I were to rewrite this story, I would explore canon parallel universes much earlier then what I did originally like the earlier mentioned evil alternate universe in season 2 since the portal leading there was never shown to be closed.
            I’ll probably incorporate that special into my story at some point, but it won’t play a very big part in the overall story because of those factors.


I'll be going on hiatus for the next week, but when I return, I'll be beginning a mini arc where Dovah plays through one of the old South Park games, Tenorman's Revenge, which should be one hell of an adventure for the transmigrator.


No problem, glad you’re enjoying it so much. There’s plenty more to look forward to in the future.


@aDovahkean you have made one of the best books I have read thank you