
Sorry if I left you hanging - I can't promise it won't happen again! The latest update for 'Tigress' is here: https://www.wattpad.com/1409454494-tigress-%E2%86%92-thomas-shelby-tremble


I'm back! A Peaky Blinders story, as promised! Meet the Shelby brothers all over again in the first chapter and my latest character. The timeline doesn't really quite fit within the TV show's seasons, so imagine the premise to be a complete rewrite of the first season. Enjoy!


I’ve loved your Descendants books! Do you mind proofreading my upcoming book?


@ArchiveofEmbers Hi - I'd love to! Unfortunately I've really only got time from June to September - the end of term is always a little bit of a nightmare. Regardless, if you don't mind waiting a little bit, I'll be happy to help!


It's time. Rowan's story has come to an end. This was a project that spanned way longer than originally intended. It might have ended a little too abruptly, but it ended in a way that I felt was right. Thank you for sticking around this long, and until my next project (which will hopefully be Peaky Blinders related)!


It has been a very, very long time.
          I've been busy for the past year. Education has really kicked my ass. Life is relentless, but it's also fulfilling. And I'm sorry if it seemed like I left all my creations and readers behind. I always meant to come back and resume writing - it's just that I never found the time.
          Once I did, it took me a while to get started again - get back into the swing of things. Writing is not easy. It takes a certain mindset to frame people, emotions, and speech as words. I can't really tell if my writing style has changed. If it has, I'm sorry if it feels badly sewn in with where I last left off. Still, I'm determined to finish Rowan's story. It might be the last story I have time for on here. I hope not.
          Writing is fun. For a while, I forgot how much. I forgot how much of an outlet it was for me. I found new hobbies, met new people, was faced with new obstacles to overcome. I came back, though, and hopefully, I always will.


Plsssss make a Damian Wayne fanfic like Faye Feng!!!


Omg yay!!! Tyty I’ll look out for it!


@FandomWhoreeeee Glad you enjoyed her story :) Unfortunately I'm not that familiar with Damian, but I have considered finishing an extra where he meets Faye, so maybe that will be coming out in the future!


Your Decendants story has no business being this good. Like it can run me over and I’d thank it


@HufflepuffPrincessss Thank you! Not sure how willing XJ would be to run someone over without reason though:)


hi!! oh my gods, rick riordan was my childhood and tbh p much the reason i got into reading and writing hehe. a darker shade of magic was so good - and i loved leigh bardugo's works!! (have you read king of scars? i'm so excited for rule of wolves hehe) hope you have a great rest of week! x


@qixing Hello! Hell yes - Rick Riordan is a major inspiration and his stuff has done so much good for kids everywhere. I haven't read any of Leigh Bardugo's other books except for the Six of Crows duology, but I am so ready for the Netflix series. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have an awesome week too!