
her has been updated, no this is not a drill, no i don't know how it happened but it HAS <3333333


was lowkey hoping for an update on the fourteenth for addie’s b’day, but HAPPY BELATED BDAY ADDIE!!!
          as always, a reminder not to overwork yourself, and to stay hydrated! <33




@blurrypolaroids that’s the realest thing ever and i’m so honoured someone would do that for one of my characters oml


hi g!
          i hope you’re doing well, and are having a good time studying writing at uni, i love the idea of your own novel!
          a little selfish, but i will literally beg you to please complete haddie’s story, i genuinely wait every single day for an update.
          no pressure when, j can you please reassure me that you will be finishing it?
          because i read in one of your recent messages that you’re not into wattpad as much and ngl i actually felt like crying because im so attached to haddie and the trust her series.
          okay that’s the end of my rant 
          i hope you have a lovely day! <3


hey lovely!! i haven’t given up on them, i just don’t know when i’ll update next since i’m not really into writing on wattpad that much anymore :( i do want to finish haddie’s story though — it’s so close to being finished — so i may try working on it soon for u <33 i’m so glad you love it so much, and sooo sorry for the lack of updates!


I love your stories! They are so heartfelt and so beautifully put together! I get so in love that I feel like I am there with them and Harry and then I remember that he isn't there comforting me and it shatters my heart and I cry because why can't I find someone the loves me that much and is so comforting and willing to risk their life for me that I can live the rest of my life with?!


hey everyone! sorry for inactivity & lack of updates - if you couldn’t tell, i’m not really into wattpad as much as i used to be. howeverrrr, i am going to uni & studying writing rn, and continuing to work on an original novel <3 would you guys be interested if i keep you all posted about my progress here? 


wait does that mean no more haddie why am i actually kinda getting teary rn


@acciochocolatefrog I Love Your Stories ❤️ They make me feel like I am in them and then when I remember non of it is real, my heart shatters over and over!  I want someone to comfort and love me like Harry! 


hi!! i hope this new year has been going well for you!! i’m currently re-reading heather for like the 5th time and all my emotions just came flooding back AND all my questions. WHAT DID HARRY SMELL IN THE AMORTENTIA? WHAT WAS HARRY THINKING IN THE GREAT HALL WHEN MINA AND CHARLIE WERE HOLDING HANDS? WHAT WAS HE THINKING IN THE BROOM SHED?? ON THE ASTRONOMY TOWER??? my brain like needs to know just for my own sanity. i love your books SO MUCH <333