
Hey Friends!!
          	From June 6th through June 8th the first book in the Lady Witch Series is FREE over on amazon. Yes, you heard me right. FREEEEE!!!! So if you've been wanting to read the series but couldn't afford to download the first book to give it a try, what better time then NOW. While it's free.
          	Not only that, I'm hosting an INTERNATIONAL giveaway on my Instagram. One lucky winner will win the ENTIRE LADY WITCH SERIES in paperback. That's four books! Make sure you head over there to enter. 
          	And spread the word, too, for anyone interested in the giveaway and/or the free ebook through Amazon!


@LostKitty86 NO idea as of yet, but I've started on the outline! It will boil down to carving out time since I'm fully focused on my Dragonwall Series at the moment.


@RupanshiBalichwal Yes, that's unfortunate. Amazon . com sets the rules and I have no power to change them.


@romancefictioned Unfortunately it's up to Amazon on where they make it available. I wish I set the rules, but I have no power here :(


Hey Friends!!
          From June 6th through June 8th the first book in the Lady Witch Series is FREE over on amazon. Yes, you heard me right. FREEEEE!!!! So if you've been wanting to read the series but couldn't afford to download the first book to give it a try, what better time then NOW. While it's free.

          Not only that, I'm hosting an INTERNATIONAL giveaway on my Instagram. One lucky winner will win the ENTIRE LADY WITCH SERIES in paperback. That's four books! Make sure you head over there to enter. 
          And spread the word, too, for anyone interested in the giveaway and/or the free ebook through Amazon!


@LostKitty86 NO idea as of yet, but I've started on the outline! It will boil down to carving out time since I'm fully focused on my Dragonwall Series at the moment.


@RupanshiBalichwal Yes, that's unfortunate. Amazon . com sets the rules and I have no power to change them.


@romancefictioned Unfortunately it's up to Amazon on where they make it available. I wish I set the rules, but I have no power here :(


Hello  will the Dragonwall Series be published? That would be so cool, I'm addicted to these stories ❤️


@xNaiyrax It will be open until the book is officially on sale October 1st. So the final day of preorders will be September 30th. :)


@ xNaiyrax  ohhh, yes!! How long is the preorder open? I signed up for your newsletter & I followed you on Instagram :D


@xNaiyrax Yes! The first book is already open for preorders and will officially go on sale October 1st. You can head over to my website if you'd like to buy the special edition. I'd also suggest signing up to my newsletter where I'm announcing giveaways and keeping everyone posted of when each book goes into print! 
            Thanks so much :)


I’m almost finished with Talon the Black but I’m already addicted... the GOT dan in me made me want to read a book about dragons and yours was the first that sounded good and it turned out to be a great book.. one where I could lose myself in 


@Jean34582 Oh yay! That makes me happy. I'm really glad you're loving it :)


@addicted2dragons Hey Mel, I was just wondering how many books there are in the Dragonwall series? I love your books so much and will swear by them if need be! Thank you, Charlie


@Ocean_Skye I'm so glad you love them! I have seven books planned for the main series. I'm currently writing and posting chapters for the 6th.


@Ocean_Skye same here... I see 7 titles in the author bio


Are we able to purchase a physical copy of the entire series anywhere?? 


Yay! Thank you so much for replying so quickly I will look forward to buying them


@Smiley_fac3 Thanks so much for your inquiry. Not as of yet, but soon! The books went out of print for 2 years due to an exclusivity agreement with Wattpad. However they will go back into print starting October 1st for Talon the Black, and the others will follow at a 2-3 month released pace. They should all be available by or around the end of 2025. :)


Hey Melissa, I signed up for the newsletter in March and got the last two, but the one for May hasn’t come yet. I checked spam and it wasn’t there either. Do you know what might have happened?


@Lunar310 Also! I just saw that I can link my newsletter here without sending an email for it. So you can read it on this link: 
            But for future newsletters I recommend sending me an email so that we can troubleshoot.


@Lunar310 Hello my friend! How unfortunate! The May newsletter went out on Wednesday night around 7PM. Occasionally emails can bounce if the email is too large for your inbox settings, or if your inbox is full. I'm showing on my statistics that over 400 people received and opened the email, so that leaves me to wonder if your inbox settings prevented it? If you'd like to send me an email at, I can take a look at your email address specifically and see if we can trouble shoot it together? And even try to see if we can re-send the email to you?


I ❤️ the fact that you exist in this world Melissa, because It's a little better and fantastic with you in it. It's been a while since I was consciously transported into a magical world, where my imagination was not limited. Please put pictures in your books of the dragons, Claire and her girls, sprites guards, prince and princess, places, the battles, Talon and Claire's bonding. Everything you can. I hope this books makes it to Hollywood one day. I also hope we can read all the 7 books here in wattpad.....


@Quincy579 Hello there! Wow thank you so much for your kind words. You brought tears to my eyes. I'm so glad you love my work and are transported to a magical world. I have actually commissioned an artist to begin making artwork for my books. It's expensive, so unfortunately it is only making it into the physical editions, so that the cost people pay for the book helps offset what I had to pay for the art :) Until then, everyone will use their imagination. Thanks so much for your wonderful message!


I absolutely love the series, I can't wait for the completion of book 6. Jovari the blue and hopefully maybe another one after that 


@LauretteStanleyBest I'm so glad you love the books! Yes, there will be a 7th and final book. It was always meant to be a 7 book series :) I also cannot wait until they're finished!


The horror I felt when I realized I read through the first 5 books in a couple days just to see the 6th not finished.


@Storm5604 Awwww!!! Bummer!! Now you must be like the rest of the Dragonwall community and wait week to week for updates :( I have some readers who have been here since 2015. Imagine having to wait that long! haha. I'm so glad you're loving the series and hope you stick around :)