
Hello lovely readers!  Again I hate that I used to make these stories so stereotypical butttt I might come back and clean up/finish my started books off if y’all want me to??


@ adoredarling  yessss please I want the rest of the izuku one 


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Hello lovely readers!  Again I hate that I used to make these stories so stereotypical butttt I might come back and clean up/finish my started books off if y’all want me to??


@ adoredarling  yessss please I want the rest of the izuku one 


this message may be offensive


I've decided to let this account go.
          I'm still writing yes and I am active on another account, but I look back on my stories at which I wrote on this account and l'm ashamed. 
          I don't have time or patience to go through all my stories and edit them but I hate knowing I continue to add onto stories that have such stereotypical Y/n's.
          I don't want to represent my fellow black woman like that which is why l'm ending it and starting over.
          I won't delete this account or any of my stories cause l'd hate to throw away so many views and so much hard work so l'm just going to allow them to stay here to serve a purpose.
          I love you all, thank you for keeping up with my stories and being patient with my writing. Y'all did me well. 
          I believe you can find my most recent account in my followings list.


@adoredarling TY AND I HOPE U HAVE FUN!


esta mensagem pode ser ofensiva
Y’all, as I mature I am coming to terms with the many many mistakes and dumb ass decisions I’ve made within the earlier chapters of my two most popular stories. Dabi and Shoto x Black Reader. 
          God there’s so many errors it just makes me wanna delete my stories and start over again.


@adoredarling just edit it and update the chapter nobody will know:))


Y’all please do not forget to leave votes and comments on chapters if you liked them. Ya girl already got 30 reads on both my new books yet they ain’t got no votes or comments. If your gonna read the story ENGAGEEEEEE. I be feelin unappreciated. 


Hey lovelies, so here’s the deal. I used a lot of immature slang in the first couple chapters of most of my x black reader stories because before I was just excited to write. But that was seriously inconsiderate. Now that I look back on those chapters I realize that they were stereotypical and hard to understand, so for the next week or two I’ll be putting in the energy to fix them. I’m also publishing a Kenma x Black Fem reader soon too! 
          I just wanted to keep my followers updated on what I’m up to, ciao! 


@adoredarling Thats nice that you are brought on improving your writing skills, wish you luck


Hi babies. Sorry I been slow on updates but recently I been feelin overly tired, dizzy, irritated and in pain. After these symptoms I got sick and did a Covid test which came back positive. Due to my body being basically strengthless I’m taking a break till I can get cured of Covid. It’s probably won’t be long but please be patient with me so hopefully I can come back with some bomb ass chapters for y’all. I’m sorry about bein a lazy updater and suddenly poppin up with this but I need to get my health back up before I can write anything else. I hope y’all understand; I love y’all and I’d appreciate it if y’all gave me some time. 
          {Don’t worry I’m not leavin y’all for good.}
          That’s about it, happy reading lovelies, have a wonderful day. ♡︎❀ :(


@adoredarling Take all the time you need it's ok bae


@adoredarling I'm sorry you caught it i hope you get better :) and dw everybody always needs a break


No worries!! Just focus on trying to get better! We’re all rooting for you ☺️♥️