
Dear Readers! If you've been following my activity on Dreame, you probably already know that I've posted an expanded version of Barely there (fully edited with 15++ bonus chapters!). For those of you who don't know and you miss Ryder and Kara, here's your chance to restart the journey and fall back in love with these two. :) ❤
          	Here's to the start of summer, here's to you and your wonderful love and support. I love you guys to Pluto and back. ❤


@aflyingwhale will you be adding more books on here? Especially books that are from your dreams account? That would be amazing


Ma’am will you ever post them on wattpad?


OMG!!!!! I’m sooo excited I was actually just Re reading for the 100x ABSOLUTELY LOVE this story and need it on my bookshelf soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I will 100000% be buying a paper copy of Barely one day. I am reading a book rn and the emotions reminded me of when I read Barely so I came back to see if it was available to purchase yet. Does anyone know anything on her timeline? 


Do you mind pointing me in the direction of this book? I’ve been looking for something that took me on the rollercoaster barely did. 


Hey,,, i don't know if u r still on Wattpad but i wanted to know if you have published barely and where i can find that book??
          i just told all my dorm mates that it ends with us is over hyped and that i have read a better book than that but honestly speaking barely was my ist ever novel that i ever completed and fell in love with and i have read it many times,i want a physical copy of it as a reminder to my ist ever novel...


hi, i saw your ko-fi donations for Barely and just wanted to let you know that you’re able to self-publish the book through Amazon KDP. i’ve published a few now without having any financial support (to begin with) and my author journey is growing. as you’ve already got readers here, i’m certain you’ll be met with love and support if you do choose the self-publishing route. i can’t wait until the paperback is out and i hope you’re doing well!


Hey, I just Read the first 5 chapters and I tried the App dreame. To be honest the App really sucks and I don't think that you have a lot more advantages on this App. Can you please just post it here? I would LOVE to read rhe story to the end and I think you would become way more response on wattpad <3


@armygirl-jimin I'm BTW talking about barely <3


Diese Nachricht könnte beleidigend sein
Im sorry but...i really love them book bearly and this is just in acceptable to leave the book this way on Wattpad.
          I did download the app dreame and that apps shit. 
          I mean how am i supposed to read ahead i have no clue. 
          If i had known i couldn't read further...i wouldn't have had started reading it in the first place!!!
          Please author.
          Post the entire story here.