
part 4)
          	So the last few weeks, i’ve gone back and i’ve corrected some major grammatical issues in the first book, but i’ve also added some sentences here and there. I’ve also added on some dialogue to correct some of the issues I had that were listed above. So I didn’t remove anything, the story is still the same, but I did add onto it. 
          	I’m much happier with the outcome and I think it will making going forward easier for me as a story teller.
          	The updated one is updated on Wattpad and AO3, the Bucky/Reader version. I haven’t posted the corrected one on Tumblr yet.  


Well, if you’ve added bits to the book, I guess I’ll have to read it again!!! For like the millionth time. It’s one of my favourites in the whole world and introduced me to my love for angst. 
          	  I always felt this story never really had a ‘villain’ like some people make  ashlynn out to be, I think it’s a book full of real people and real feelings and how life can get messed up for so many reasons. Your writing has always been so special to me. I’m not a regular on Wattpad anymore. But I do come back for you! Xx 


@alandoflimbo I really respect you for making these points - it's the sign of a great writer if you're able to look at your work objectively and critique it. Although I love both books in their original form, I'm all for improving work, especially if you as the author wish to refine the story or relationship dynamics to make them reflect your true intentions more clearly. 
          	  I know a lot of authors in this fandom are feeling similarly in how the community is changing - I deffo think as well that the lack of Bucky content has contributed to this. Hopefully in the future it will improve, but I completely understand at the moment inspiration might not be ideal. Selfishly I do hope you're able to complete your fics, cos I adore your writing the worlds you've created, but please don't feel pressure to write if it doesn't feel right for you. This is your art and ultimately you're the one who needs to love what you create the most. Sending you lots of love ❤️


Do you use Instagram if yes can you please tellme your id?


@anu2004booklover I don’t have one, but I am on tumblr and twitter. On tumblr my handle is Allandoflimbo (2 L’s).


part 4)
          So the last few weeks, i’ve gone back and i’ve corrected some major grammatical issues in the first book, but i’ve also added some sentences here and there. I’ve also added on some dialogue to correct some of the issues I had that were listed above. So I didn’t remove anything, the story is still the same, but I did add onto it. 
          I’m much happier with the outcome and I think it will making going forward easier for me as a story teller.
          The updated one is updated on Wattpad and AO3, the Bucky/Reader version. I haven’t posted the corrected one on Tumblr yet.  


Well, if you’ve added bits to the book, I guess I’ll have to read it again!!! For like the millionth time. It’s one of my favourites in the whole world and introduced me to my love for angst. 
            I always felt this story never really had a ‘villain’ like some people make  ashlynn out to be, I think it’s a book full of real people and real feelings and how life can get messed up for so many reasons. Your writing has always been so special to me. I’m not a regular on Wattpad anymore. But I do come back for you! Xx 


@alandoflimbo I really respect you for making these points - it's the sign of a great writer if you're able to look at your work objectively and critique it. Although I love both books in their original form, I'm all for improving work, especially if you as the author wish to refine the story or relationship dynamics to make them reflect your true intentions more clearly. 
            I know a lot of authors in this fandom are feeling similarly in how the community is changing - I deffo think as well that the lack of Bucky content has contributed to this. Hopefully in the future it will improve, but I completely understand at the moment inspiration might not be ideal. Selfishly I do hope you're able to complete your fics, cos I adore your writing the worlds you've created, but please don't feel pressure to write if it doesn't feel right for you. This is your art and ultimately you're the one who needs to love what you create the most. Sending you lots of love ❤️


part 3) 
          * Despite Ashlyn doing what she did and behaving the way she did, something always rubbed me the wrong way about how I made the girls view her in the story. Ashlyn might not be innocent, but I did not like how I made Reader/Riley appear like she was more supported by the other girls in the story when what she had done was also not good.
          * How people let what Bucky and Reader did “let it slide.”
          So they were little things, but things that always bothered me and was honestly getting in the way of me continuing the sequel. It was mostly my distaste I had on the Bucky/Reader front. I wanted them to love and love deeply, but not while disregarding Ashlyn as a human being and as a woman. 


Part 2) 
          * I never liked how I made it seem like the reader (Or Riley Grace, if you’ve read the OC version) was very anti money, anti having anything material. That was never my intention. And I noticed that I made her seem that way. Yes, I wanted her to be concerned that her sister was putting those things first before everything else and also concerned that something was wrong, but not that Riley/Reader was against money or life in general. She isn’t by any means frugal or cheap.
          * I didn’t make it clear enough in Book 1 that there was underlying things happening to Ashlyn that was pushing her “gold digger” tendencies, or for that to appear as so, to the forefront. There was more things happening to her.
          * I didn’t like how little I let it show that her and Bucky do share this love and respect that Reader, and the actual readers themselves, haven’t seen. I feel like I made Ashlyn too cold and not as much mysterious. 
          * I always found Bucky and Reader a bit too self centered and conceited to themselves and what they thought was an issue and making their problems seem bigger than everyone else’s. As well as making what they thought what they thought was more important than Ashlyn herself or without considering her own life and her own emotions. 


Four Part Author’s Note because not everything fits here at once.
          (part 1) 
          My second announcement is kind of longer, but here goes. 
          There’s been a couple of factors that’s kept me from continuing to write aside from just my time, or lack thereof, and health complications that seem to always get in the way. Not complaints but relevant factors to those waiting on updates.
          1. Getting hacked twice in a row sucked ASS.
          2. I’ve started to drift a bit from Bucky in general. I still love him but the lack of content of him the MCU since Endgame, or even TFATWS, has been killer. No inspiration anymore. The fandom has changed.
          3. This is one that has silently bothered me the most for quite some time even though it’s been so long but it mattered to me.
                   Something that has also been getting in the way of me updating Take It Back 2 has been the issues I had with the first one that I never got around to fixing or acknowledging.
          If you’ve read book 2 at all you might understand this a little bit better.
          Granted, I was younger when I wrote the first book and i’ve grown since then, and maybe that’s why I felt the need over time too. marido and make some certain changes or explain things in the story better. Who knows. But…


Hi, everyone.  I hope you are doing well. I wanted to make this post primarily to acknowledge how aware I am in my delays for updating my work in projects, ESPECIALLY Take It Back 2. My schedule has been absolutely insane, and fandom stuff have unfortunately become secondary when it comes to writing. Because of that, my time has been very limited, even more so than it used to be. I tried making due dates for updating to see if that would help, but realized that wasn't the issue. I really just DO NOT have as much time as I used to. That aside, TIB2 in general is a VERY difficult story to write, and it's also dear to my heart. It takes TIME to write it. I did NOT forget about it, but I also don't write these chapters in two hours. Sometimes it takes me weeks. And that's over a period of time. Anywhoozles...Two reasons i'm making this announcement: 1) I've gotten some very negative and rude reviews the last few weeks, literally telling me to update and simultaneously insulting my work, because I haven't posted anything. Listen, that does the opposite of encourage me. And you need to understand i'm very busy. I'm also a writer that does not post her works finished. I ENJOY updating real time to see my readers reactions. That's just how I roll. If you are someone who prefers finished works, please feel free to come back when it's completed. 2) I do have an update for TIB2 coming very soon. I also please need to know there are people still enjoying it or reading it. Aside from lack of time, I also need encouragement to know i'm not the only one still on this. I can't promise you when the story will be completed, but I promise you, I DID NOT forget about it. But I need to know i'm not the only one. And I need to know that you guys understand how much I wish I could write more, but through no fault of my own, my time is very limited. I read EVERY review you guys leave. Update coming soon. Please let me know your thoughts if you're still reading it. They HELP me. Love you.


@alandoflimbo oh my god I literally live for this story and whenever I open the wattpad to read any story first thing I do is check if you have updated on that story or not it's like I literally pray may be today I'll get read but seriously I really loveyour books I have read all books so I know what you do you do it from your heart so I know it takes time so take your time and update and please don't mind haters don't know how much of efforts are needed to write a story and please DO NOT EVER think that you are alone and no one likes that story its totally the opposite so please keep doing what you are doing 


I will wait as long as it takes!!


@alandoflimbo I literally live for this story! Please don't mind about haters, they just cannot understand that there's life outside the phone. So take your time to continue the story and, trust me, your true fans will wait without pushing you further. Sending you lots of love and can't wait for next chapter (sorry for my English I'm from Italy!)