
Okay all you Destiel fans, let's not forget Megstiel... just saying... he was her unicorn


Hi, I was wondering what exactly is your book, Ripples about? also, I have it saved on my reading list.


@Ami_Matsumoto87 thank you! Please don't be shy and let me know what you think, I'm always looking for input :)


@aliciamariec oh I see, I have never read stories about abuse before but your writing style intrigues me


@Ami_Matsumoto87 thank you for being interested! Ripples is about Leighanna Groeman, a sixteen year old girl who's life has been a living hell. Her father is abusive and her mother stays quiet. Leighanna frequently hallucinates and usually thinks nothing of it until her friend from school sees one too. As they try to get to the bottom of this, Leighanna's sense of reality unravels. Nothing is as she thought it was, and the world is at stake. 
            With the help of Spencer, a street artist who's always been there for her, Leighanna unlocks secrets of another realm. A being of greed and manipulation is trying to materialize into the real world through Leighanna, making her the only thing that stands between sanity and darkness. 
            Let me know if you need more info :) I try not to spoil too much


Is anyone else having a problem with a bunch of girls promoting a link with "naked girls" in the url? They won't stop commenting the link on my poems book. I've reported each comment and each user, sent screenshots as proof, and just want it to stop. 


@Art_Quill I woke up to another one this morning. It's sickening and I just wish it would stop. I don't understand


I literally can't believe that porn stars are on this app, they don't even make books on here they just want virtual sex and it's degrading and annoying 


@aliciamariec oh god, did they stop?


Alrighty, all of Ripples is posted and ready to be read! Please offer insight and feedback (and definitely correct any grammatical errors so I can fix them if there are any). I'm so excited to share Leighanna's adventure with you and to hear what you guys have to say. Ripples holds a very special place in my heart... thank you for your support!


Thanks for reading, but please try to continue where you left off. I don't want to confuse anyone by posting without reads, but I'm trying to post a chapter a day until it's complete and the Wattys opens for submissions. :) Happy reading!


Guys, I just realized I will be turning 18 on Monday... it especially doesn't feel like it this year. As far as I was concerned, it's still March. 


@Art_Quill @POETUNKNOWN1912 Thank you for the birthday wishes!


@aliciamariec happy birthday also we're in April now 


I need someone to make covers for my poetry and short stories... help a girl out! I'll mention you!


@aliciamariec *clapping in happiness*
            @juhiwrites *excited* wish you all the best


@aliciamariec *grins* I hope you'll like what you'll see! 


So, scrolling through my drafts for ideas I come across Heartache and Heartbreak, a compilation of really short stories that I decided to unpublished for some reason (so many emotions flooding through me as a read each part). So here they all are and I have every intention of writing more. As always, thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.