
I've long wanted to craft a steampunk story on Wattpad. The allure of this science fiction subgenre, which fuses futuristic tech with 19th-century steam-driven aesthetics, has always captivated me.
          	But the initial draft didn't meet my expectations. I lacked the time for refining, and equally challenging was crafting an appealing steampunk cover.
          	That's changed now.
          	Take a look at these covers I designed using, the newest addition to Two Small Fish Ventures' portfolio. empowers individuals with generative AI, enhancing their creative capabilities.
          	Here's how simple it is: I just typed:
          	Text says: “My Steampunk Story”. A male and a female wearing steampunk style fashion in Europe, 4k, cyberpunk., 3d render, cinematic, photo, typography.
          	...and voila!
          	What sets Ideogram apart is its ability to address a longstanding issue among popular AI image generators: rendering text in a spectrum of colours, fonts, sizes, and styles within images. Whether it's lettering on signs or crafting company logos, it's all achievable with a few keystrokes or taps.
          	Previously, I'd spend hours attempting to create a passable cover using tools I was hardly proficient in. Now, I simply describe my vision and a polished cover is instantly brought to life. The process couldn't be more effortless.


@allenlau damn he is good. Good job boss man.


@allenlau - Off to a great start, Allan! I also love Steampunk as well!


@allenlau it's a great platform, Allen. Is an app due?


Apologies for the plug (⁠っ⁠˘̩⁠╭⁠╮⁠˘̩⁠)⁠っ
          would anyone mind reading my newly published story? I would like to ask everyone to try reading this. I know I am not a professional writer but I guess I deserve a chance to be one by starting at the bottom. 
          Title: Her Story: Jaika Aleksy Maekawa
          Genre: Teen Fiction 
          Status: Ongoing 
          (will update every single part after reaching 40 votes and readers)
          thank you in advance!
          (⁠づ⁠ ̄⁠ ⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠づ


Hey @AllenLau Wattpad is going to get into a lot of trouble if they eliminate private messaging it would be violating the Canadian first amendment and the New Law disclosed by the FFC

          He asked me: Is Wattpad willing to face legal problems? Face possible lawsuits and spend thousands and thousands of dollars on lawyers? Don't get complicated, just don't delete the private messaging that every social network should have. #SaveMessages #NoDeletingConversation


hi, I'm sorry for plugging.
          I just wanna share to you the story I've made titled 'Dandelions in the Wind' pls give it a try (੭ ˊ ᵕˋ)੭ 
          -forbidden love
          -first chapt may be boring but trust me if you keep reading it, it won't be boring.
          -hinding hindi ka magsisisi :))

          Pls do votes, thank you!