
In another universe is completed. I'm so happy about it although not fully satisfied with story but I'm grateful for everyone who read it and showed me support also for the silent reader as well thank you. Hope you interact with the fic as well. 
          	Also I wanna thank you for my consent reader  of all fics and  everyone who showed me much of your love i appreciate it thank you for all the votes and comments I see you guys and you guys make my day better truly 
          	Thank you guys for the reads don't be a silent reader!! 


In another universe is completed. I'm so happy about it although not fully satisfied with story but I'm grateful for everyone who read it and showed me support also for the silent reader as well thank you. Hope you interact with the fic as well. 
          Also I wanna thank you for my consent reader  of all fics and  everyone who showed me much of your love i appreciate it thank you for all the votes and comments I see you guys and you guys make my day better truly 
          Thank you guys for the reads don't be a silent reader!! 


hiii are u gonna update cosmic chaos soon???


@that_gurl_kiara the fic is successfully uploaded hope it is working it still messing with me 


Also I want to thank everyone single person who had read my fics. Thank you for all the support i appreciate every single comment and likes it makes so happy that you whoever reading my fic find it worth it to do so. I think i will be free after March hopefully I can do well with my exams and projects after that I will be continuing with all fic. Thank you everyone ❤️.


Hello guys it's been a while hope you are doing well. So I'm writing my fic that need to update sorry for the delay.
          What do you think about nickname for the reader in fic. 
          For every fic it would be easy for me to write. It would be still reader insert . 
          Think you can help me with that 
          Apocalyptic world
          Fall of Empire 
          Comic chaos  
          This are fic need nickname for reader it could be associated with the character and power the reader have . 
          Let me know. 


Again my app is acting up i don't know why when i updated in another universe new chapter it was not posting I posted from my lap and it doesn't show in my phone . But I still got notification of likes and all .
          If you can't find my fic here my Tumblr is the same username @aloneatpeace. I uploaded my fic also there. 


Help I'm stuck . I wanted write and hopefully update because the next month my 5 semester exams are coming. It all over the place I just want to bury myself under blanket and die. And i have no motivation to write whatsoever. Do you have any idea or anything that help me to write . 


What kind of narrative would you prefer in a fic. First person, second or third person.


@levelupriyah when I read first person I feel like I'm reading someone's diary. 


A mix of third person and first person 


Hello I was writting my fic Cosmic chaos new chapter and to narrow it down with stroy line of both tvd and tw seems to bit more work and make the reader inserted as well. So to make it work i think there will be major plot changes. 
          For instance Lydia resurrection of Peter will change. Which will also means the her hallucinations and her running around will be cut off. 
          Some of the tvd characters that died during S 2 3 will be alive. 
          What do you think ???


@aloneatpeace Okay and take your time ☺️


@levelupriyah i will soon edit it 


It’s good just a few spelling errors ☺️